1 |
#!/usr/bin/env python
2 |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 |
import gnucash
4 |
import datetime
5 |
import logging
6 |
7 |
ZERO = gnucash.GncNumeric()
8 |
9 |
def recurse_all_splits(account):
10 |
for acc in account.get_descendants():
11 |
for split in acc.GetSplitList():
12 |
yield split
13 |
14 |
def check_in_date(start_date, end_date, d):
15 |
return start_date <= d and d <= end_date
16 |
17 |
def check_split_date_func(start_date, end_date):
18 |
def f(split):
19 |
parent = split.GetParent()
20 |
if parent == None:
21 |
return False
22 |
d = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(split.GetParent().GetDate())
23 |
return start_date <= d and d <= end_date
24 |
return f
25 |
26 |
def generate_splits(root, start, end):
27 |
f = check_split_date_func(start, end)
28 |
return (split for split in recurse_all_splits(root) if f(split))
29 |
30 |
def generate_summary_amounts(root, start, end):
31 |
prevAccount = None
32 |
prevAccountName = "<None>"
33 |
zero = (0, ZERO, ZERO)
34 |
pos = zero
35 |
neg = zero
36 |
for split in generate_splits(root, start, end):
37 |
account = split.account
38 |
amount = split.GetAmount()
39 |
value = split.GetValue()
40 |
name = account.get_full_name()
41 |
is_neg = amount.negative_p()
42 |
if account.get_full_name() != prevAccountName:
43 |
if prevAccount != None:
44 |
yield (prevAccount,) + pos
45 |
yield (prevAccount,) + neg
46 |
prevAccount = account
47 |
prevAccountName = name
48 |
if is_neg:
49 |
pos = zero
50 |
neg = (1, amount, value)
51 |
52 |
pos = (1, amount, value)
53 |
neg = zero
54 |
55 |
tmp = neg if is_neg else pos
56 |
tmp = (tmp[0]+1,
57 |
tmp[1].add(amount, gnucash.GNC_DENOM_AUTO, gnucash.GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT),
58 |
tmp[2].add(value, gnucash.GNC_DENOM_AUTO, gnucash.GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT))
59 |
if is_neg:
60 |
neg = tmp
61 |
62 |
pos = tmp
63 |
if prevAccount != None:
64 |
yield (prevAccount,) + pos
65 |
yield (prevAccount,) + neg
66 |
67 |
def transaction_to_string(trans, currency):
68 |
result = str(datetime.date.fromtimestamp(trans.GetDate()))
69 |
result += " " + trans.GetDescription() + "\n"
70 |
for split in trans.GetSplitList():
71 |
result += "\t" + split.account.get_full_name() + " "
72 |
result += " "
73 |
c = split.account.GetCommodity()
74 |
a = split.GetAmount()
75 |
result += str(a.to_double()) + " " + c.get_nice_symbol()
76 |
if not currency.equal(c):
77 |
v = split.GetValue()
78 |
result += " => " + str(v.to_double()) + " " + currency.get_nice_symbol()
79 |
result += " ( " + str(v.div(a, gnucash.GNC_DENOM_AUTO, gnucash.GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT).to_double())
80 |
result += " " + c.get_nice_symbol() + " )"
81 |
result += "\n"
82 |
imbl = trans.GetImbalanceValue()
83 |
result += "Balance: " + str(imbl.to_double()) + " " + currency.get_nice_symbol()
84 |
if not imbl.equal(ZERO):
85 |
for c, v in trans.GetImbalance():
86 |
result += "\n\t"
87 |
result += " => " + str(v.to_double()) + " " + c.get_nice_symbol()
88 |
return result
89 |
90 |
def delete_transactions(root, start, end, filt):
91 |
removed = 0
92 |
for split in generate_splits(root, start, end):
93 |
t = split.GetParent()
94 |
if filt(t):
95 |
removed += t.CountSplits()
96 |
97 |
logging.info("%d splits removed.", removed)
98 |
99 |
def transaction_not_equal_p(trans):
100 |
gtrans = trans.GetGUID()
101 |
def f(t):
102 |
return not gtrans.equal(t.GetGUID())
103 |
return f
104 |
105 |
def generate_summary_splits(root, start, end):
106 |
book = root.get_book()
107 |
for account, count, amount, value in generate_summary_amounts(root, start, end):
108 |
if not amount.zero_p():
109 |
split = gnucash.Split(book)
110 |
111 |
price = value.div(amount, gnucash.GNC_DENOM_AUTO, gnucash.GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT)
112 |
split.SetSharePriceAndAmount(price, amount)
113 |
yield split, count
114 |
115 |
def create_summary(root, start, end, currency, title):
116 |
logging.info("Creating summary %s for %s between %s and %s",
117 |
title, root.get_full_name(), start, end)
118 |
book = root.get_book()
119 |
trans = gnucash.Transaction(book)
120 |
121 |
trans.SetDate(end.day, end.month, end.year)
122 |
123 |
124 |
total = 0
125 |
for split, count in generate_summary_splits(root, start, end):
126 |
127 |
total += count
128 |
if trans.CountSplits() > 0:
129 |
logging.info("%d splits summary into one transaction '%s'.", total, title)
130 |
logging.debug(transaction_to_string(trans, currency))
131 |
132 |
133 |
if total > 0:
134 |
delete_transactions(root, start, end, transaction_not_equal_p(trans))
135 |
136 |
logging.info("No splits found for this date")
137 |
138 |
def make_summary(root, currency, start, end, title):
139 |
create_summary(root, start, end, currency, title)
140 |
141 |
def lookup_currency(book, currency):
142 |
return book.get_table().lookup("CURRENCY", currency)
143 |
144 |
## Datetime support
145 |
ONEDAY = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
146 |
147 |
def first_day_of_month(d):
148 |
return datetime.date(d.year, d.month, 1)
149 |
def first_day_of_year(d):
150 |
return datetime.date(d.year, 1, 1)
151 |
152 |
def next_day(d):
153 |
return d + ONEDAY
154 |
def next_month(d):
155 |
if d.month == 12:
156 |
return datetime.date(d.year+1, 1, 1)
157 |
158 |
return datetime.date(d.year, d.month + 1, 1)
159 |
def next_year(d):
160 |
return datetime.date(d.year + 1, 1, 1)
161 |
162 |
def datetime_iter(start, end, next_f):
163 |
d = start
164 |
while end == None or d < end:
165 |
yield d
166 |
d = next_f(d)
167 |
168 |
def datetime_iter_range(start, end, next_f):
169 |
for d in datetime_iter(start, end, next_f):
170 |
yield d, next_f(d) - ONEDAY
171 |
172 |
def day_iter(start, end=None):
173 |
return (d for d in datetime_iter(start, end, next_day))
174 |
def month_iter(start, end=None):
175 |
return (d for d in datetime_iter(first_day_of_month(start), end, next_month))
176 |
def year_iter(start, end=None):
177 |
return (d for d in datetime_iter(first_day_of_year(start), end, next_year))
178 |
def day_range_iter(start, end=None):
179 |
return ((d,d) for d in datetime_iter(start, end, next_day))
180 |
def month_range_iter(start, end=None):
181 |
return (d for d in datetime_iter_range(first_day_of_month(start), end, next_month))
182 |
def year_range_iter(start, end=None):
183 |
return (d for d in datetime_iter_range(first_day_of_year(start), end, next_year))
184 |
185 |
186 |
def main(filename, title, currency, daterange):
187 |
188 |
session = gnucash.Session(filename, is_new=False)
189 |
root = session.book.get_root_account()
190 |
curr = lookup_currency(session.book, currency)
191 |
for s, e in daterange:
192 |
make_summary(root, curr, s, e, title)
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
logging.exception("Exception occured")
197 |
198 |
if 'session' in locals():
199 |
200 |
201 |
def usage(msg):
202 |
import sys
203 |
print msg
204 |
print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], \
205 |
"filename.gnc", "transaction_title", "currency", \
206 |
"yearly|monthly|daily", \
207 |
"start_year start_month start_day", \
208 |
"end_year end_month end_day"
209 |
210 |
211 |
if __name__ == '__main__':
212 |
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
213 |
import sys
214 |
if len(sys.argv) != 11:
215 |
usage("Invalid number of arguments")
216 |
217 |
cmd, filename, title, currency, period, syear, smonth, sday, eyear, emonth, eday = sys.argv
218 |
start = datetime.date(int(syear), int(smonth), int(sday))
219 |
end = datetime.date(int(eyear), int(emonth), int(eday))
220 |
if period == "daily":
221 |
daterange = day_range_iter(start, end)
222 |
elif period == "monthly":
223 |
daterange = month_range_iter(start, end)
224 |
elif period == "yearly":
225 |
daterange = year_range_iter(start, end)
226 |
227 |
usage("Invalid period '%s'" % (period,))
228 |
main(filename, title, currency, daterange)