First import of mpd-client.
authorFabien Ninoles <>
Mon, 19 May 2008 01:29:48 -0400 (2008-05-19)
changeset 0 a17355c8ffbd
child 1 e59013329497
First import of mpd-client.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Mon May 19 01:29:48 2008 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+syntax: glob
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mpd-client	Mon May 19 01:29:48 2008 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3633 @@
+diff -r fb5042644071 debian/patches/00list
+--- a/debian/patches/00list	Mon May 19 00:17:05 2008 -0400
++++ b/debian/patches/00list	Mon May 19 01:12:49 2008 -0400
+@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+ 01verbose-compilation
+ 02compile-with-gcc-4.3
+diff -r fb5042644071 debian/patches/03mpd-client.dpatch
+--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/debian/patches/03mpd-client.dpatch	Mon May 19 01:12:49 2008 -0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,3597 @@
++#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
++## mpd-client.dpatch by Fabien Niñoles <>
++## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
++## DP: Add mpd to imms clients.
++diff -r 171db9560cb5 clients/mpd/
++--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++++ b/clients/mpd/	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
++@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+++#include "immsutil.h"
+++#include "clientstub.h"
+++#include <glib.h>
+++#include <signal.h>
+++#include "mpdinterface.h"
+++#include <list>
+++using std::endl;
+++using std::list;
+++using namespace mpd_interface;
+++// interface for communication with IMMS server
+++// comes from clientstub.h
+++struct MPDOps;
+++typedef IMMSClient<MPDOps> MPDClient;
+++int poll_time = 250; // miliseconds
+++const double reconnect_interval = 1.0; // seconds
+++GMainLoop *loop = nullptr;
+++GSource* ts;
+++MPDClient imms;
+++Player mpd;
+++list<int> playqueue;
+++const list<int>::size_type pq_capacity = 1;
+++// that's the main function - it's called regularly and handles all the
+++// IMMS and MPD communication and decides what to do when anything happens
+++gboolean do_events(void *unused);
+++// determines whether the currently playing song has been selected
+++// specifically by the user
+++bool next_jumped(); 
+++void notify_song_ended(const Song& song, double elapsed_time, bool jumped);
+++// resets the elapsed_timer and sets the jumped flag, too
+++void notify_song_started(const Song& song, double& elapsed_time,
+++    bool& jumped);
+++void update_playqueue();
+++bool playqueue_contains(int song);
+++void quit(int signum);
+++struct MPDOps
+++    // IMMS server's suggestion of the next song
+++    static void set_next(int next)
+++    {
+++      if(playqueue.size() < pq_capacity) {
+++	if( == ||
+++ == ||
+++	    playqueue_contains(next) || next >= mpd.playlist_length()) {
+++          update_playqueue();
+++	}
+++	else {
+++	  playqueue.push_back(next);
+++	}
+++      }
+++    }
+++    // no idea, works just peach as it is
+++    // asked mag about it, waiting for an answer
+++    // TODO if he doesn't answer, dig it out
+++    static void reset_selection() { }
+++    // path of the song at the given pos for IMMS server
+++    static string get_item(int index) {return; }
+++    // size of the playlist for the IMMS server
+++    static int get_length() { return mpd.playlist_length(); }
+++int main(int argc, char **argv)
+++  // glib initialization
+++  loop = g_main_loop_new(nullptr, FALSE);
+++  signal(SIGINT,  quit);
+++  signal(SIGTERM, quit);
+++  signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
+++  ts = g_timeout_source_new(poll_time);
+++  g_source_attach(ts, nullptr);
+++  g_source_set_callback(ts, (GSourceFunc)do_events, nullptr, nullptr);
+++  // end of glib init
+++  g_main_loop_run(loop);
+++  LOG(INFO) << "Exitting." << endl;
+++  return 0;
+++gboolean do_events(void *unused)
+++  static const double time_inc = double(poll_time)/1000.0;
+++    // the time that ACTUALLY elapsed when playing the song (in seconds)
+++  static double elapsed_time = 0; 
+++  static bool jumped = false;
+++  static double reconnect_timeout = 0;
+++  try {
+++    if(!mpd.connected()) {
+++      if(reconnect_timeout < time_inc) {
+++	LOG(INFO) << "Not connected to MPD. Attempting to connect..."
+++	  << endl;
+++	reconnect_timeout = reconnect_interval;
+++	mpd.connect();
+++	LOG(INFO) << "Connected to MPD." << endl;
+++	reconnect_timeout = 0;
+++      }
+++      else {
+++	reconnect_timeout -= time_inc;
+++	return TRUE;
+++      }
+++    }
+++    if(imms.check_connection()) imms.setup(0);
+++    if(!imms.isok()) return TRUE;
+++    mpd.refresh();
+++    if(mpd.playlist_changed()) {
+++      imms.playlist_changed(mpd.playlist_length());
+++      playqueue.clear();
+++    }
+++    if(mpd.radnom()) update_playqueue();
+++    if(mpd.status_changed()) {
+++      if(mpd.status(current) == stopped) {
+++	notify_song_ended(, elapsed_time, jumped);
+++      }
+++      else if(mpd.status(previous) == stopped &&
+++	  mpd.status(current)==playing) {
+++	notify_song_started(, elapsed_time, jumped);
+++	// clear the song_changed() flag
+++	if(mpd.song_changed()) mpd.refresh(); 
+++      }
+++    }
+++    if(mpd.status(current) == playing) {
+++      elapsed_time += time_inc;
+++      if(mpd.song_changed()) {
+++	notify_song_ended(, elapsed_time, jumped);
+++	if(!mpd.radnom() || playqueue.empty()) {
+++	  notify_song_started(, elapsed_time, jumped);
+++	}
+++	else {
+++	  mpd.play_song(playqueue.front());
+++	  notify_song_started(, elapsed_time,
+++	      jumped);
+++	  playqueue.erase(playqueue.begin());
+++	  update_playqueue();
+++	  // this could otherwise incorrectly set song_changed() flag
+++	  mpd.refresh(); 
+++	}
+++      }
+++      else {
+++	// fix the real timer if it's inconsistent with what player
+++	// says is the elapsed time of the current song
+++	if(elapsed_time - double( >= 3.0) {
+++	  if( == 0) {
+++	    Song tmp_ended =;
+++	    tmp_ended.set_length(int(elapsed_time) * 2);
+++	    notify_song_ended(tmp_ended, elapsed_time, jumped);
+++	    notify_song_started(, elapsed_time, jumped);
+++	    jumped = false;
+++	  }
+++	  elapsed_time =;
+++	}
+++      }
+++    }
+++  }
+++  catch (connection_err) {
+++    if(reconnect_timeout >= reconnect_interval) {
+++	  LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to MPD was unsuccessful. "
+++	    "Next attempt in " << reconnect_interval << " second"
+++	    << (reconnect_interval == 1.0 ? "":"s") << "." << endl;
+++    }
+++    else {
+++      LOG(INFO) << "Disconnected from MPD." << endl;
+++    }
+++  }
+++  catch (mpd_err ex) {
+++    LOG(ERROR) << "Error: " << ex.message() << endl;
+++    g_main_quit(loop);
+++    loop = nullptr;
+++    exit(1);
+++  }
+++  return TRUE;
+++// determines whether the song has been played whole
+++bool played_whole(double elapsed_time, int length)
+++  static const double abs_limit = 20.0;
+++  static const double coeficient = 0.08;
+++  double rel_limit = double(length) * coeficient;
+++  double limit = (abs_limit < rel_limit) ? abs_limit : rel_limit;
+++  return double(length)-elapsed_time < limit; 
+++// determines whether the song has been skipped early
+++// (thus being set as not a prefed one)
+++bool bad(double elapsed_time, int length)
+++  static const double abs_limit = 30.0;
+++  static const double coeficient = 0.13;
+++  double rel_limit = double(length) * coeficient;
+++  double limit = (rel_limit < abs_limit) ? rel_limit : abs_limit;
+++  return elapsed_time < limit;
+++bool next_jumped()
+++  if(mpd.radnom()) return false;
+++  if( ==
+++    return false;
+++  if( == 0 &&
+++ == mpd.playlist_length()-1)
+++    return false;
+++  return true;
+++void notify_song_ended(const Song& song, double elapsed_time, bool jumped)
+++  if(song.length() == Song::invalid_time) return;
+++  imms.end_song(played_whole(elapsed_time, song.length()), jumped,
+++      bad(elapsed_time, song.length()) );
+++void notify_song_started(const Song& song, double& elapsed_timer,
+++    bool& jumped)
+++  imms.start_song(song.pos(), song.path());
+++  elapsed_timer = 0;
+++  jumped = next_jumped();
+++  mpd.song_changed(); // clear the change notification
+++void update_playqueue()
+++  static const int timeout_value = 3;
+++  static int timeout = 0;
+++  if(timeout == 0)
+++  {
+++    if(playqueue.size() < pq_capacity) {
+++      list<int>::size_type i;
+++      for(i = pq_capacity - playqueue.size(); i!=0; i--) {
+++	imms.select_next();
+++      }
+++      timeout = timeout_value;
+++    }
+++  }
+++  else --timeout;
+++bool playqueue_contains(int song)
+++  list<int>::const_iterator i;
+++  for(i = playqueue.begin(); i!= playqueue.end(); i++) {
+++    if (*i == song) return true;
+++  }
+++  return false;
+++void quit(int signum)
+++  if (loop) g_main_quit(loop);
+++  loop = nullptr;
+++  signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
++diff -r 171db9560cb5 clients/mpd/libmpdclient.c
++--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++++ b/clients/mpd/libmpdclient.c	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
++@@ -0,0 +1,1955 @@
+++/* libmpdclient
+++   (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (
+++   This project's homepage is:
+++   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+++   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+++   are met:
+++   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+++   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+++   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+++   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+++   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+++   - Neither the name of the Music Player Daemon nor the names of its
+++   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+++   this software without specific prior written permission.
+++#include "libmpdclient.h"
+++#include <errno.h>
+++#include <ctype.h>
+++#include <sys/types.h>
+++#include <stdio.h>
+++#include <sys/param.h>
+++#include <string.h>
+++#include <unistd.h>
+++#include <stdlib.h>
+++#include <fcntl.h>
+++#include <limits.h>
+++#ifdef WIN32
+++#  include <ws2tcpip.h>
+++#  include <winsock.h>
+++#  include <netinet/in.h>
+++#  include <arpa/inet.h>
+++#  include <sys/socket.h>
+++#  include <netdb.h>
+++/* (bits+1)/3 (plus the sign character) */
+++#define INTLEN      ((sizeof(int)       * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1)
+++#define LONGLONGLEN ((sizeof(long long) * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1)
+++#define COMMAND_LIST    1
+++#define COMMAND_LIST_OK 2
+++#ifndef MPD_NO_GAI
+++#  ifdef AI_ADDRCONFIG
+++#    define MPD_HAVE_GAI
+++#  endif
+++#ifndef MSG_DONTWAIT
+++#  define MSG_DONTWAIT 0
+++#ifdef WIN32
+++#  define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE   (errno == WSAEINTR || errno == WSAEINPROGRESS)
+++#  define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE   (errno == EINTR)
+++#  define SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
+++#  define winsock_dll_error(c)  0
+++#  define closesocket(s)        close(s)
+++#  define WSACleanup()          do { /* nothing */ } while (0)
+++#ifdef WIN32
+++static int winsock_dll_error(mpd_Connection *connection)
+++	WSADATA wsaData;
+++	if ((WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData)) != 0 ||
+++			LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 ||
+++			HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 ) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,
+++		       "Could not find usable WinSock DLL.");
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM;
+++		return 1;
+++	}
+++	return 0;
+++static int do_connect_fail(mpd_Connection *connection,
+++                           const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen)
+++	int iMode = 1; /* 0 = blocking, else non-blocking */
+++	ioctlsocket(connection->sock, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR*) &iMode);
+++	return (connect(connection->sock,serv_addr,addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR
+++			&& WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK);
+++#else /* !WIN32 (sane operating systems) */
+++static int do_connect_fail(mpd_Connection *connection,
+++                           const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen)
+++	int flags = fcntl(connection->sock, F_GETFL, 0);
+++	fcntl(connection->sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
+++	return (connect(connection->sock,serv_addr,addrlen)<0 &&
+++				errno!=EINPROGRESS);
+++#endif /* !WIN32 */
+++#ifdef MPD_HAVE_GAI
+++static int mpd_connect(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * host, int port,
+++                       float timeout)
+++	int error;
+++	char service[INTLEN+1];
+++	struct addrinfo hints;
+++	struct addrinfo *res = NULL;
+++	struct addrinfo *addrinfo = NULL;
+++	/**
+++	 * Setup hints
+++	 */
+++	hints.ai_flags     = AI_ADDRCONFIG;
+++	hints.ai_family    = PF_UNSPEC;
+++	hints.ai_socktype  = SOCK_STREAM;
+++	hints.ai_protocol  = IPPROTO_TCP;
+++	hints.ai_addrlen   = 0;
+++	hints.ai_addr      = NULL;
+++	hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
+++	hints.ai_next      = NULL;
+++	snprintf(service, sizeof(service), "%i", port);
+++	error = getaddrinfo(host, service, &hints, &addrinfo);
+++	if (error) {
+++		snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++		         "host \"%s\" not found: %s",
+++		         host, gai_strerror(error));
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST;
+++		return -1;
+++	}
+++	for (res = addrinfo; res; res = res->ai_next) {
+++		/* create socket */
+++		connection->sock = socket(res->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM,
+++		                          res->ai_protocol);
+++		if (connection->sock < 0) {
+++			snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++			         "problems creating socket: %s",
+++			         strerror(errno));
+++			connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM;
+++			freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
+++			return -1;
+++		}
+++		mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout);
+++		/* connect stuff */
+++ 		if (do_connect_fail(connection,
+++		                    res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) {
+++ 			/* try the next address family */
+++ 			closesocket(connection->sock);
+++ 			connection->sock = -1;
+++ 			continue;
+++		}
+++	}
+++	freeaddrinfo(addrinfo);
+++	if (connection->sock < 0) {
+++		snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++		         "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i: %s",
+++		         host, port, strerror(errno));
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT;
+++		return -1;
+++	}
+++	return 0;
+++#else /* !MPD_HAVE_GAI */
+++static int mpd_connect(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * host, int port,
+++                       float timeout)
+++	struct hostent * he;
+++	struct sockaddr * dest;
+++	int destlen;
+++	struct sockaddr_in sin;
+++	if(!(he=gethostbyname(host))) {
+++		snprintf(connection->errorStr,MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++				"host \"%s\" not found",host);
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST;
+++		return -1;
+++	}
+++	memset(&sin,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+++	/*dest.sin_family = he->h_addrtype;*/
+++	sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+++	sin.sin_port = htons(port);
+++	switch(he->h_addrtype) {
+++	case AF_INET:
+++		memcpy((char *)&sin.sin_addr.s_addr,(char *)he->h_addr,
+++				he->h_length);
+++		dest = (struct sockaddr *)&sin;
+++		destlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+++		break;
+++	default:
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"address type is not IPv4");
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM;
+++		return -1;
+++		break;
+++	}
+++	if((connection->sock = socket(dest->sa_family,SOCK_STREAM,0))<0) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"problems creating socket");
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM;
+++		return -1;
+++	}
+++	mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection,timeout);
+++	/* connect stuff */
+++	if (do_connect_fail(connection, dest, destlen)) {
+++		snprintf(connection->errorStr,MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++				"problems connecting to \"%s\" on port"
+++				" %i",host,port);
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT;
+++		return -1;
+++	}
+++	return 0;
+++#endif /* !MPD_HAVE_GAI */
+++char * mpdTagItemKeys[MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES] =
+++	"Artist",
+++	"Album",
+++	"Title",
+++	"Track",
+++	"Name",
+++	"Genre",
+++	"Date",
+++	"Composer",
+++	"Performer",
+++	"Comment",
+++	"Disc",
+++	"Filename",
+++	"Any"
+++static char * mpd_sanitizeArg(const char * arg) {
+++	size_t i;
+++	char * ret;
+++	register const char *c;
+++	register char *rc;
+++	/* instead of counting in that loop above, just
+++	 * use a bit more memory and half running time
+++	 */
+++	ret = (char *)malloc(strlen(arg) * 2 + 1);
+++	c = arg;
+++	rc = ret;
+++	for(i = strlen(arg)+1; i != 0; --i) {
+++		if(*c=='"' || *c=='\\')
+++			*rc++ = '\\';
+++		*(rc++) = *(c++);
+++	}
+++	return ret;
+++static mpd_ReturnElement * mpd_newReturnElement(const char * name, const char * value)
+++	mpd_ReturnElement * ret = (mpd_ReturnElement *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_ReturnElement));
+++	ret->name = strdup(name);
+++	ret->value = strdup(value);
+++	return ret;
+++static void mpd_freeReturnElement(mpd_ReturnElement * re) {
+++	free(re->name);
+++	free(re->value);
+++	free(re);
+++void mpd_setConnectionTimeout(mpd_Connection * connection, float timeout) {
+++	connection->timeout.tv_sec = (int)timeout;
+++	connection->timeout.tv_usec = (int)(timeout*1e6 -
+++	                                    connection->timeout.tv_sec*1000000 +
+++					    0.5);
+++static int mpd_parseWelcome(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * host, int port,
+++                            char * rt, char * output) {
+++	char * tmp;
+++	char * test;
+++	int i;
+++	if(strncmp(output,MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE,strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE))) {
+++		snprintf(connection->errorStr,MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++				"mpd not running on port %i on host \"%s\"",
+++				port,host);
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD;
+++		return 1;
+++	}
+++	tmp = &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)];
+++	for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
+++		if(tmp) connection->version[i] = strtol(tmp,&test,10);
+++		if (!tmp || (test[0] != '.' && test[0] != '\0')) {
+++			snprintf(connection->errorStr,
+++			         "error parsing version number at "
+++			         "\"%s\"",
+++			         &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)]);
+++			connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD;
+++			return 1;
+++		}
+++		tmp = ++test;
+++	}
+++	return 0;
+++mpd_Connection * mpd_newConnection(const char * host, int port, float timeout) {
+++	int err;
+++	char * rt;
+++	char * output =  NULL;
+++	mpd_Connection * connection = (mpd_Connection *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Connection));
+++	struct timeval tv;
+++	fd_set fds;
+++	strcpy(connection->buffer,"");
+++	connection->buflen = 0;
+++	connection->bufstart = 0;
+++	strcpy(connection->errorStr,"");
+++	connection->error = 0;
+++	connection->doneProcessing = 0;
+++	connection->commandList = 0;
+++	connection->listOks = 0;
+++	connection->doneListOk = 0;
+++	connection->returnElement = NULL;
+++	connection->request = NULL;
+++	if (winsock_dll_error(connection))
+++		return connection;
+++	if (mpd_connect(connection, host, port, timeout) < 0)
+++		return connection;
+++	while(!(rt = strstr(connection->buffer,"\n"))) {
+++		tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec;
+++		tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec;
+++		FD_ZERO(&fds);
+++		FD_SET(connection->sock,&fds);
+++		if((err = select(connection->sock+1,&fds,NULL,NULL,&tv)) == 1) {
+++			int readed;
+++			readed = recv(connection->sock,
+++					&(connection->buffer[connection->buflen]),
+++					MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH-connection->buflen,0);
+++			if(readed<=0) {
+++				snprintf(connection->errorStr,MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++						"problems getting a response from"
+++						" \"%s\" on port %i : %s",host,
+++						port, strerror(errno));
+++				connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE;
+++				return connection;
+++			}
+++			connection->buflen+=readed;
+++			connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0';
+++		}
+++		else if(err<0) {
+++				continue;
+++			snprintf(connection->errorStr,
+++					"problems connecting to \"%s\" on port"
+++					" %i",host,port);
+++			connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT;
+++			return connection;
+++		}
+++		else {
+++			snprintf(connection->errorStr,MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++					"timeout in attempting to get a response from"
+++					" \"%s\" on port %i",host,port);
+++			connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE;
+++			return connection;
+++		}
+++	}
+++	*rt = '\0';
+++	output = strdup(connection->buffer);
+++	strcpy(connection->buffer,rt+1);
+++	connection->buflen = strlen(connection->buffer);
+++	if(mpd_parseWelcome(connection,host,port,rt,output) == 0) connection->doneProcessing = 1;
+++	free(output);
+++	return connection;
+++void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	connection->error = 0;
+++	connection->errorStr[0] = '\0';
+++void mpd_closeConnection(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	closesocket(connection->sock);
+++	if(connection->returnElement) free(connection->returnElement);
+++	if(connection->request) free(connection->request);
+++	free(connection);
+++	WSACleanup();
+++static void mpd_executeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char * command) {
+++	int ret;
+++	struct timeval tv;
+++	fd_set fds;
+++	char * commandPtr = command;
+++	int commandLen = strlen(command);
+++	if(!connection->doneProcessing && !connection->commandList) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"not done processing current command");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	mpd_clearError(connection);
+++	FD_ZERO(&fds);
+++	FD_SET(connection->sock,&fds);
+++	tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec;
+++	tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec;
+++	while((ret = select(connection->sock+1,NULL,&fds,NULL,&tv)==1) ||
+++			(ret==-1 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE)) {
+++		ret = send(connection->sock,commandPtr,commandLen,MSG_DONTWAIT);
+++		if(ret<=0)
+++		{
+++			if (SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) continue;
+++			snprintf(connection->errorStr,MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++			         "problems giving command \"%s\"",command);
+++			connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SENDING;
+++			return;
+++		}
+++		else {
+++			commandPtr+=ret;
+++			commandLen-=ret;
+++		}
+++		if(commandLen<=0) break;
+++	}
+++	if(commandLen>0) {
+++		perror("");
+++		snprintf(connection->errorStr,MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++		         "timeout sending command \"%s\"",command);
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if(!connection->commandList) connection->doneProcessing = 0;
+++	else if(connection->commandList == COMMAND_LIST_OK) {
+++		connection->listOks++;
+++	}
+++static void mpd_getNextReturnElement(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	char * output = NULL;
+++	char * rt = NULL;
+++	char * name = NULL;
+++	char * value = NULL;
+++	fd_set fds;
+++	struct timeval tv;
+++	char * tok = NULL;
+++	int readed;
+++	char * bufferCheck = NULL;
+++	int err;
+++	int pos;
+++	if(connection->returnElement) mpd_freeReturnElement(connection->returnElement);
+++	connection->returnElement = NULL;
+++	if(connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks &&
+++	   connection->doneListOk))
+++	{
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"already done processing current command");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	bufferCheck = connection->buffer+connection->bufstart;
+++	while(connection->bufstart>=connection->buflen ||
+++			!(rt = strchr(bufferCheck,'\n'))) {
+++		if(connection->buflen>=MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) {
+++			memmove(connection->buffer,
+++					connection->buffer+
+++					connection->bufstart,
+++					connection->buflen-
+++					connection->bufstart+1);
+++			connection->buflen-=connection->bufstart;
+++			connection->bufstart = 0;
+++		}
+++		if(connection->buflen>=MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) {
+++			strcpy(connection->errorStr,"buffer overrun");
+++			connection->error = MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN;
+++			connection->doneProcessing = 1;
+++			connection->doneListOk = 0;
+++			return;
+++		}
+++		bufferCheck = connection->buffer+connection->buflen;
+++		tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec;
+++		tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec;
+++		FD_ZERO(&fds);
+++		FD_SET(connection->sock,&fds);
+++		if((err = select(connection->sock+1,&fds,NULL,NULL,&tv) == 1)) {
+++			readed = recv(connection->sock,
+++					connection->buffer+connection->buflen,
+++					MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH-connection->buflen,
+++					MSG_DONTWAIT);
+++			if(readed<0 && SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) {
+++				continue;
+++			}
+++			if(readed<=0) {
+++				strcpy(connection->errorStr,"connection"
+++				       " closed");
+++				connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED;
+++				connection->doneProcessing = 1;
+++				connection->doneListOk = 0;
+++				return;
+++			}
+++			connection->buflen+=readed;
+++			connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0';
+++		}
+++		else if(err<0 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE) continue;
+++		else {
+++			strcpy(connection->errorStr,"connection timeout");
+++			connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+++			connection->doneProcessing = 1;
+++			connection->doneListOk = 0;
+++			return;
+++		}
+++	}
+++	*rt = '\0';
+++	output = connection->buffer+connection->bufstart;
+++	connection->bufstart = rt - connection->buffer + 1;
+++	if(strcmp(output,"OK")==0) {
+++		if(connection->listOks > 0) {
+++			strcpy(connection->errorStr, "expected more list_OK's");
+++			connection->error = 1;
+++		}
+++		connection->listOks = 0;
+++		connection->doneProcessing = 1;
+++		connection->doneListOk = 0;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if(strcmp(output, "list_OK") == 0) {
+++		if(!connection->listOks) {
+++			strcpy(connection->errorStr,
+++					"got an unexpected list_OK");
+++			connection->error = 1;
+++		}
+++		else {
+++			connection->doneListOk = 1;
+++			connection->listOks--;
+++		}
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if(strncmp(output,"ACK",strlen("ACK"))==0) {
+++		char * test;
+++		char * needle;
+++		int val;
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, output);
+++		connection->error = MPD_ERROR_ACK;
+++		connection->errorCode = MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK;
+++		connection->errorAt = MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK;
+++		connection->doneProcessing = 1;
+++		connection->doneListOk = 0;
+++		needle = strchr(output, '[');
+++		if(!needle) return;
+++		val = strtol(needle+1, &test, 10);
+++		if(*test != '@') return;
+++		connection->errorCode = val;
+++		val = strtol(test+1, &test, 10);
+++		if(*test != ']') return;
+++		connection->errorAt = val;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	tok = strchr(output, ':');
+++	if (!tok) return;
+++	pos = tok - output;
+++	value = ++tok;
+++	name = output;
+++	name[pos] = '\0';
+++	if(value[0]==' ') {
+++		connection->returnElement = mpd_newReturnElement(name,&(value[1]));
+++	}
+++	else {
+++		snprintf(connection->errorStr,MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH,
+++					"error parsing: %s:%s",name,value);
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++	}
+++void mpd_finishCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	while(!connection->doneProcessing) {
+++		if(connection->doneListOk) connection->doneListOk = 0;
+++		mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	}
+++static void mpd_finishListOkCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	while(!connection->doneProcessing && connection->listOks &&
+++			!connection->doneListOk)
+++	{
+++		mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	}
+++int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_finishListOkCommand(connection);
+++	if(!connection->doneProcessing) connection->doneListOk = 0;
+++	if(connection->listOks == 0 || connection->doneProcessing) return -1;
+++	return 0;
+++void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"status\n");
+++mpd_Status * mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_Status * status;
+++	/*mpd_executeCommand(connection,"status\n");
+++	if(connection->error) return NULL;*/
+++	if(connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks &&
+++	   connection->doneListOk))
+++	{
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	if(!connection->returnElement) mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	status = (mpd_Status *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Status));
+++	status->volume = -1;
+++	status->repeat = 0;
+++	status->random = 0;
+++	status->playlist = -1;
+++	status->playlistLength = -1;
+++	status->state = -1;
+++	status->song = 0;
+++	status->songid = 0;
+++	status->elapsedTime = 0;
+++	status->totalTime = 0;
+++	status->bitRate = 0;
+++	status->sampleRate = 0;
+++	status->bits = 0;
+++	status->channels = 0;
+++	status->crossfade = -1;
+++	status->error = NULL;
+++	status->updatingDb = 0;
+++	if(connection->error) {
+++		free(status);
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	while(connection->returnElement) {
+++		mpd_ReturnElement * re = connection->returnElement;
+++		if(strcmp(re->name,"volume")==0) {
+++			status->volume = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"repeat")==0) {
+++			status->repeat = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"random")==0) {
+++			status->random = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"playlist")==0) {
+++			status->playlist = strtol(re->value,NULL,10);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"playlistlength")==0) {
+++			status->playlistLength = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"bitrate")==0) {
+++			status->bitRate = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"state")==0) {
+++			if(strcmp(re->value,"play")==0) {
+++				status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY;
+++			}
+++			else if(strcmp(re->value,"stop")==0) {
+++				status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP;
+++			}
+++			else if(strcmp(re->value,"pause")==0) {
+++				status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE;
+++			}
+++			else {
+++				status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN;
+++			}
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"song")==0) {
+++			status->song = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"songid")==0) {
+++			status->songid = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"time")==0) {
+++			char * tok = strchr(re->value,':');
+++			/* the second strchr below is a safety check */
+++			if (tok && (strchr(tok,0) > (tok+1))) {
+++				/* atoi stops at the first non-[0-9] char: */
+++				status->elapsedTime = atoi(re->value);
+++				status->totalTime = atoi(tok+1);
+++			}
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"error")==0) {
+++			status->error = strdup(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"xfade")==0) {
+++			status->crossfade = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"updating_db")==0) {
+++			status->updatingDb = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"audio")==0) {
+++			char * tok = strchr(re->value,':');
+++			if (tok && (strchr(tok,0) > (tok+1))) {
+++				status->sampleRate = atoi(re->value);
+++				status->bits = atoi(++tok);
+++				tok = strchr(tok,':');
+++				if (tok && (strchr(tok,0) > (tok+1)))
+++					status->channels = atoi(tok+1);
+++			}
+++		}
+++		mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++		if(connection->error) {
+++			free(status);
+++			return NULL;
+++		}
+++	}
+++	if(connection->error) {
+++		free(status);
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	else if(status->state<0) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"state not found");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		free(status);
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	return status;
+++void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status * status) {
+++	if(status->error) free(status->error);
+++	free(status);
+++void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"stats\n");
+++mpd_Stats * mpd_getStats(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_Stats * stats;
+++	/*mpd_executeCommand(connection,"stats\n");
+++	if(connection->error) return NULL;*/
+++	if(connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks &&
+++	   connection->doneListOk))
+++	{
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	if(!connection->returnElement) mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	stats = (mpd_Stats *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Stats));
+++	stats->numberOfArtists = 0;
+++	stats->numberOfAlbums = 0;
+++	stats->numberOfSongs = 0;
+++	stats->uptime = 0;
+++	stats->dbUpdateTime = 0;
+++	stats->playTime = 0;
+++	stats->dbPlayTime = 0;
+++	if(connection->error) {
+++		free(stats);
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	while(connection->returnElement) {
+++		mpd_ReturnElement * re = connection->returnElement;
+++		if(strcmp(re->name,"artists")==0) {
+++			stats->numberOfArtists = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"albums")==0) {
+++			stats->numberOfAlbums = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"songs")==0) {
+++			stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"uptime")==0) {
+++			stats->uptime = strtol(re->value,NULL,10);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"db_update")==0) {
+++			stats->dbUpdateTime = strtol(re->value,NULL,10);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"playtime")==0) {
+++			stats->playTime = strtol(re->value,NULL,10);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"db_playtime")==0) {
+++			stats->dbPlayTime = strtol(re->value,NULL,10);
+++		}
+++		mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++		if(connection->error) {
+++			free(stats);
+++			return NULL;
+++		}
+++	}
+++	if(connection->error) {
+++		free(stats);
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	return stats;
+++void mpd_freeStats(mpd_Stats * stats) {
+++	free(stats);
+++mpd_SearchStats * mpd_getSearchStats(mpd_Connection * connection)
+++	mpd_SearchStats * stats;
+++	mpd_ReturnElement * re;
+++	if (connection->doneProcessing ||
+++	    (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) {
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	if (!connection->returnElement) mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	if (connection->error)
+++		return NULL;
+++	stats = (mpd_SearchStats *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_SearchStats));
+++	stats->numberOfSongs = 0;
+++	stats->playTime = 0;
+++	while (connection->returnElement) {
+++		re = connection->returnElement;
+++		if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) {
+++			stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value);
+++		} else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) {
+++			stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10);
+++		}
+++		mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++		if (connection->error) {
+++			free(stats);
+++			return NULL;
+++		}
+++	}
+++	if (connection->error) {
+++		free(stats);
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	return stats;
+++void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats * stats)
+++	free(stats);
+++static void mpd_initSong(mpd_Song * song) {
+++	song->file = NULL;
+++	song->artist = NULL;
+++	song->album = NULL;
+++	song->track = NULL;
+++	song->title = NULL;
+++	song->name = NULL;
+++	song->date = NULL;
+++	/* added by Qball */
+++	song->genre = NULL;
+++	song->composer = NULL;
+++	song->performer = NULL;
+++	song->disc = NULL;
+++	song->comment = NULL;
+++	song->time = MPD_SONG_NO_TIME;
+++	song->pos = MPD_SONG_NO_NUM;
+++	song->id = MPD_SONG_NO_ID;
+++static void mpd_finishSong(mpd_Song * song) {
+++	if(song->file) free(song->file);
+++	if(song->artist) free(song->artist);
+++	if(song->album) free(song->album);
+++	if(song->title) free(song->title);
+++	if(song->track) free(song->track);
+++	if(song->name) free(song->name);
+++	if(song->date) free(song->date);
+++	if(song->genre) free(song->genre);
+++	if(song->composer) free(song->composer);
+++	if(song->disc) free(song->disc);
+++	if(song->comment) free(song->comment);
+++mpd_Song * mpd_newSong(void) {
+++	mpd_Song * ret = (mpd_Song *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Song));
+++	mpd_initSong(ret);
+++	return ret;
+++void mpd_freeSong(mpd_Song * song) {
+++	mpd_finishSong(song);
+++	free(song);
+++mpd_Song * mpd_songDup(mpd_Song * song) {
+++	mpd_Song * ret = mpd_newSong();
+++	if(song->file) ret->file = strdup(song->file);
+++	if(song->artist) ret->artist = strdup(song->artist);
+++	if(song->album) ret->album = strdup(song->album);
+++	if(song->title) ret->title = strdup(song->title);
+++	if(song->track) ret->track = strdup(song->track);
+++	if(song->name) ret->name = strdup(song->name);
+++	if(song->date) ret->date = strdup(song->date);
+++	if(song->genre) ret->genre= strdup(song->genre);
+++	if(song->composer) ret->composer= strdup(song->composer);
+++	if(song->disc) ret->disc = strdup(song->disc);
+++	if(song->comment) ret->comment = strdup(song->comment);
+++	ret->time = song->time;
+++	ret->pos = song->pos;
+++	ret->id = song->id;
+++	return ret;
+++static void mpd_initDirectory(mpd_Directory * directory) {
+++	directory->path = NULL;
+++static void mpd_finishDirectory(mpd_Directory * directory) {
+++	if(directory->path) free(directory->path);
+++mpd_Directory * mpd_newDirectory(void) {
+++	mpd_Directory * directory = (mpd_Directory *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Directory));;
+++	mpd_initDirectory(directory);
+++	return directory;
+++void mpd_freeDirectory(mpd_Directory * directory) {
+++	mpd_finishDirectory(directory);
+++	free(directory);
+++mpd_Directory * mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory * directory) {
+++	mpd_Directory * ret = mpd_newDirectory();
+++	if(directory->path) ret->path = strdup(directory->path);
+++	return ret;
+++static void mpd_initPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist) {
+++	playlist->path = NULL;
+++static void mpd_finishPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist) {
+++	if(playlist->path) free(playlist->path);
+++mpd_PlaylistFile * mpd_newPlaylistFile(void) {
+++	mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist = (mpd_PlaylistFile *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_PlaylistFile));
+++	mpd_initPlaylistFile(playlist);
+++	return playlist;
+++void mpd_freePlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist) {
+++	mpd_finishPlaylistFile(playlist);
+++	free(playlist);
+++mpd_PlaylistFile * mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist) {
+++	mpd_PlaylistFile * ret = mpd_newPlaylistFile();
+++	if(playlist->path) ret->path = strdup(playlist->path);
+++	return ret;
+++static void mpd_initInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity * entity) {
+++	entity-> = NULL;
+++static void mpd_finishInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity * entity) {
+++	if(entity-> {
+++		if(entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
+++			mpd_freeDirectory(entity->;
+++		}
+++		else if(entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) {
+++			mpd_freeSong(entity->;
+++		}
+++		else if(entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) {
+++			mpd_freePlaylistFile(entity->info.playlistFile);
+++		}
+++	}
+++mpd_InfoEntity * mpd_newInfoEntity(void) {
+++	mpd_InfoEntity * entity = (mpd_InfoEntity *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_InfoEntity));
+++	mpd_initInfoEntity(entity);
+++	return entity;
+++void mpd_freeInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity * entity) {
+++	mpd_finishInfoEntity(entity);
+++	free(entity);
+++static void mpd_sendInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char * command) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,command);
+++mpd_InfoEntity * mpd_getNextInfoEntity(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_InfoEntity * entity = NULL;
+++	if(connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks &&
+++	   connection->doneListOk))
+++	{
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	if(!connection->returnElement) mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	if(connection->returnElement) {
+++		if(strcmp(connection->returnElement->name,"file")==0) {
+++			entity = mpd_newInfoEntity();
+++			entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG;
+++			entity-> = mpd_newSong();
+++			entity->>file =
+++				strdup(connection->returnElement->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(connection->returnElement->name,
+++					"directory")==0) {
+++			entity = mpd_newInfoEntity();
+++			entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
+++			entity-> = mpd_newDirectory();
+++			entity->>path =
+++				strdup(connection->returnElement->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(connection->returnElement->name,"playlist")==0) {
+++			entity = mpd_newInfoEntity();
+++			entity->info.playlistFile = mpd_newPlaylistFile();
+++			entity->info.playlistFile->path =
+++				strdup(connection->returnElement->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "cpos") == 0){
+++			entity = mpd_newInfoEntity();
+++			entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG;
+++			entity-> = mpd_newSong();
+++			entity->>pos = atoi(connection->returnElement->value);
+++		}
+++		else {
+++			connection->error = 1;
+++			strcpy(connection->errorStr,"problem parsing song info");
+++			return NULL;
+++		}
+++	}
+++	else return NULL;
+++	mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	while(connection->returnElement) {
+++		mpd_ReturnElement * re = connection->returnElement;
+++		if(strcmp(re->name,"file")==0) return entity;
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"directory")==0) return entity;
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"playlist")==0) return entity;
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"cpos")==0) return entity;
+++		if(entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG &&
+++				strlen(re->value)) {
+++			if(!entity->>artist &&
+++					strcmp(re->name,"Artist")==0) {
+++				entity->>artist = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>album &&
+++					strcmp(re->name,"Album")==0) {
+++				entity->>album = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>title &&
+++					strcmp(re->name,"Title")==0) {
+++				entity->>title = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>track &&
+++					strcmp(re->name,"Track")==0) {
+++				entity->>track = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>name &&
+++					strcmp(re->name,"Name")==0) {
+++				entity->>name = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(entity->>time==MPD_SONG_NO_TIME &&
+++					strcmp(re->name,"Time")==0) {
+++				entity->>time = atoi(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(entity->>pos==MPD_SONG_NO_NUM &&
+++					strcmp(re->name,"Pos")==0) {
+++				entity->>pos = atoi(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(entity->>id==MPD_SONG_NO_ID &&
+++					strcmp(re->name,"Id")==0) {
+++				entity->>id = atoi(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>date &&
+++					strcmp(re->name, "Date") == 0) {
+++				entity->>date = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>genre &&
+++					strcmp(re->name, "Genre") == 0) {
+++				entity->>genre = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>composer &&
+++					strcmp(re->name, "Composer") == 0) {
+++				entity->>composer = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>performer &&
+++					strcmp(re->name, "Performer") == 0) {
+++				entity->>performer = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>disc &&
+++					strcmp(re->name, "Disc") == 0) {
+++				entity->>disc = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++			else if(!entity->>comment &&
+++					strcmp(re->name, "Comment") == 0) {
+++				entity->>comment = strdup(re->value);
+++			}
+++		}
+++		else if(entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
+++		}
+++		else if(entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) {
+++		}
+++		mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	}
+++	return entity;
+++static char * mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(mpd_Connection * connection,
+++		const char * name)
+++	if(connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks &&
+++				connection->doneListOk))
+++	{
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	while(connection->returnElement) {
+++		mpd_ReturnElement * re = connection->returnElement;
+++		if(strcmp(re->name,name)==0) return strdup(re->value);
+++		mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	}
+++	return NULL;
+++char *mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection *connection, int type)
+++	if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES ||
+++	    type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY)
+++		return NULL;
+++	if (type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME)
+++		return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "file");
+++	return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, mpdTagItemKeys[type]);
+++char * mpd_getNextArtist(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection,"Artist");
+++char * mpd_getNextAlbum(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection,"Album");
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songPos) {
+++	int len = strlen("playlistinfo")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "playlistinfo \"%i\"\n", songPos);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id) {
+++	int len = strlen("playlistid")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "playlistid \"%i\"\n", id);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, long long playlist) {
+++	int len = strlen("plchanges")+2+LONGLONGLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "plchanges \"%lld\"\n", playlist);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendPlChangesPosIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, long long playlist) {
+++	int len = strlen("plchangesposid")+2+LONGLONGLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "plchangesposid \"%lld\"\n", playlist);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendListallCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * dir) {
+++	char * sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir);
+++	int len = strlen("listall")+2+strlen(sDir)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "listall \"%s\"\n", sDir);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sDir);
+++void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * dir) {
+++	char * sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir);
+++	int len = strlen("listallinfo")+2+strlen(sDir)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "listallinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sDir);
+++void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * dir) {
+++	char * sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir);
+++	int len = strlen("lsinfo")+2+strlen(sDir)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "lsinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sDir);
+++void mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"currentsong\n");
+++void mpd_sendSearchCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table,
+++		const char * str)
+++	mpd_startSearch(connection, 0);
+++	mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str);
+++	mpd_commitSearch(connection);
+++void mpd_sendFindCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table,
+++		const char * str)
+++	mpd_startSearch(connection, 1);
+++	mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str);
+++	mpd_commitSearch(connection);
+++void mpd_sendListCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table,
+++		const char * arg1)
+++	char st[10];
+++	int len;
+++	char *string;
+++	if(table == MPD_TABLE_ARTIST) strcpy(st,"artist");
+++	else if(table == MPD_TABLE_ALBUM) strcpy(st,"album");
+++	else {
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"unknown table for list");
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if(arg1) {
+++		char * sanitArg1 = mpd_sanitizeArg(arg1);
+++		len = strlen("list")+1+strlen(sanitArg1)+2+strlen(st)+3;
+++		string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++		snprintf(string, len, "list %s \"%s\"\n", st, sanitArg1);
+++		free(sanitArg1);
+++	}
+++	else {
+++		len = strlen("list")+1+strlen(st)+2;
+++		string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++		snprintf(string, len, "list %s\n", st);
+++	}
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendAddCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * file) {
+++	char * sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file);
+++	int len = strlen("add")+2+strlen(sFile)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "add \"%s\"\n", sFile);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sFile);
+++int mpd_sendAddIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file)
+++	int retval = -1;
+++	char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file);
+++	int len = strlen("addid")+2+strlen(sFile)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "addid \"%s\"\n", sFile);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sFile);
+++	string = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Id");
+++	if (string) {
+++		retval = atoi(string);
+++		free(string);
+++	}
+++	return retval;
+++void mpd_sendDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songPos) {
+++	int len = strlen("delete")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "delete \"%i\"\n", songPos);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendDeleteIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id) {
+++	int len = strlen("deleteid")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "deleteid \"%i\"\n", id);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendSaveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * name) {
+++	char * sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name);
+++	int len = strlen("save")+2+strlen(sName)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "save \"%s\"\n", sName);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sName);
+++void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * name) {
+++	char * sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name);
+++	int len = strlen("load")+2+strlen(sName)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "load \"%s\"\n", sName);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sName);
+++void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * name) {
+++	char * sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name);
+++	int len = strlen("rm")+2+strlen(sName)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "rm \"%s\"\n", sName);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sName);
+++void mpd_sendRenameCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *from,
+++                           const char *to)
+++	char *sFrom = mpd_sanitizeArg(from);
+++	char *sTo = mpd_sanitizeArg(to);
+++	int len = strlen("rename")+2+strlen(sFrom)+3+strlen(sTo)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "rename \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sFrom, sTo);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sFrom);
+++	free(sTo);
+++void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"shuffle\n");
+++void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"clear\n");
+++void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songPos) {
+++	int len = strlen("play")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "play \"%i\"\n", songPos);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendPlayIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id) {
+++	int len = strlen("playid")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "playid \"%i\"\n", id);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendStopCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"stop\n");
+++void mpd_sendPauseCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int pauseMode) {
+++	int len = strlen("pause")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "pause \"%i\"\n", pauseMode);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendNextCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"next\n");
+++void mpd_sendMoveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int from, int to) {
+++	int len = strlen("move")+2+INTLEN+3+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "move \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", from, to);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendMoveIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id, int to) {
+++	int len = strlen("moveid")+2+INTLEN+3+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "moveid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, to);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendSwapCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song1, int song2) {
+++	int len = strlen("swap")+2+INTLEN+3+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "swap \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song1, song2);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendSwapIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id1, int id2) {
+++	int len = strlen("swapid")+2+INTLEN+3+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "swapid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id1, id2);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendSeekCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song, int time) {
+++	int len = strlen("seek")+2+INTLEN+3+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "seek \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song, time);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendSeekIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int id, int time) {
+++	int len = strlen("seekid")+2+INTLEN+3+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "seekid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, time);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendUpdateCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char * path) {
+++	char * sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
+++	int len = strlen("update")+2+strlen(sPath)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "update \"%s\"\n", sPath);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sPath);
+++int mpd_getUpdateId(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	char * jobid;
+++	int ret = 0;
+++	jobid = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection,"updating_db");
+++	if(jobid) {
+++		ret = atoi(jobid);
+++		free(jobid);
+++	}
+++	return ret;
+++void mpd_sendPrevCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"previous\n");
+++void mpd_sendRepeatCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int repeatMode) {
+++	int len = strlen("repeat")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "repeat \"%i\"\n", repeatMode);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendRandomCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int randomMode) {
+++	int len = strlen("random")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "random \"%i\"\n", randomMode);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendSetvolCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int volumeChange) {
+++	int len = strlen("setvol")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "setvol \"%i\"\n", volumeChange);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendVolumeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int volumeChange) {
+++	int len = strlen("volume")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "volume \"%i\"\n", volumeChange);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendCrossfadeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int seconds) {
+++	int len = strlen("crossfade")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "crossfade \"%i\"\n", seconds);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendPasswordCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * pass) {
+++	char * sPass = mpd_sanitizeArg(pass);
+++	int len = strlen("password")+2+strlen(sPass)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "password \"%s\"\n", sPass);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(sPass);
+++void mpd_sendCommandListBegin(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	if(connection->commandList) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"already in command list mode");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST;
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"command_list_begin\n");
+++void mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	if(connection->commandList) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"already in command list mode");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST_OK;
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"command_list_ok_begin\n");
+++	connection->listOks = 0;
+++void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	if(!connection->commandList) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr,"not in command list mode");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	connection->commandList = 0;
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"command_list_end\n");
+++void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,"outputs\n");
+++mpd_OutputEntity * mpd_getNextOutput(mpd_Connection * connection) {
+++	mpd_OutputEntity * output = NULL;
+++	if(connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks &&
+++				connection->doneListOk))
+++	{
+++		return NULL;
+++	}
+++	if(connection->error) return NULL;
+++	output = (mpd_OutputEntity *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_OutputEntity));
+++	output->id = -10;
+++	output->name = NULL;
+++	output->enabled = 0;
+++	if(!connection->returnElement) mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++	while(connection->returnElement) {
+++		mpd_ReturnElement * re = connection->returnElement;
+++		if(strcmp(re->name,"outputid")==0) {
+++			if(output!=NULL && output->id>=0) return output;
+++			output->id = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"outputname")==0) {
+++			output->name = strdup(re->value);
+++		}
+++		else if(strcmp(re->name,"outputenabled")==0) {
+++			output->enabled = atoi(re->value);
+++		}
+++		mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection);
+++		if(connection->error) {
+++			free(output);
+++			return NULL;
+++		}
+++	}
+++	return output;
+++void mpd_sendEnableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int outputId) {
+++	int len = strlen("enableoutput")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "enableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendDisableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int outputId) {
+++	int len = strlen("disableoutput")+2+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "disableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection,string);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_freeOutputElement(mpd_OutputEntity * output) {
+++	free(output->name);
+++	free(output);
+++ * mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand
+++ * odd naming, but it gets the not allowed commands
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, "notcommands\n");
+++ * mpd_sendCommandsCommand
+++ * odd naming, but it gets the allowed commands
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, "commands\n");
+++ * Get the next returned command
+++ */
+++char * mpd_getNextCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
+++	return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "command");
+++void mpd_sendUrlHandlersCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, "urlhandlers\n");
+++char * mpd_getNextHandler(mpd_Connection * connection)
+++	return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "handler");
+++void mpd_sendTagTypesCommand(mpd_Connection * connection)
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, "tagtypes\n");
+++char * mpd_getNextTagType(mpd_Connection * connection)
+++	return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "tagtype");
+++void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact)
+++	if (connection->request) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if (exact) connection->request = strdup("find");
+++	else connection->request = strdup("search");
+++void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection *connection)
+++	if (connection->request) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	connection->request = strdup("count");
+++void mpd_startPlaylistSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact)
+++	if (connection->request) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if (exact) connection->request = strdup("playlistfind");
+++	else connection->request = strdup("playlistsearch");
+++void mpd_startFieldSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type)
+++	char *strtype;
+++	int len;
+++	if (connection->request) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type];
+++	len = 5+strlen(strtype)+1;
+++	connection->request = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(connection->request, len, "list %c%s",
+++	         tolower(strtype[0]), strtype+1);
+++void mpd_addConstraintSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type, const char *name)
+++	char *strtype;
+++	char *arg;
+++	int len;
+++	char *string;
+++	if (!connection->request) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	if (name == NULL) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no name specified");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	string = strdup(connection->request);
+++	strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type];
+++	arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(name);
+++	len = strlen(string)+1+strlen(strtype)+2+strlen(arg)+2;
+++	connection->request = (char *)realloc(connection->request, len);
+++	snprintf(connection->request, len, "%s %c%s \"%s\"",
+++	         string, tolower(strtype[0]), strtype+1, arg);
+++	free(string);
+++	free(arg);
+++void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection *connection)
+++	int len;
+++	if (!connection->request) {
+++		strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress");
+++		connection->error = 1;
+++		return;
+++	}
+++	len = strlen(connection->request)+2;
+++	connection->request = (char *)realloc(connection->request, len);
+++	connection->request[len-2] = '\n';
+++	connection->request[len-1] = '\0';
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, connection->request);
+++	free(connection->request);
+++	connection->request = NULL;
+++ * @param connection a MpdConnection
+++ * @param path	the path to the playlist.
+++ *
+++ * List the content, with full metadata, of a stored playlist.
+++ *
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path)
+++	char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
+++	int len = strlen("listplaylistinfo")+2+strlen(arg)+3;
+++	char *query = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(query, len, "listplaylistinfo \"%s\"\n", arg);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query);
+++	free(arg);
+++	free(query);
+++ * @param connection a MpdConnection
+++ * @param path	the path to the playlist.
+++ *
+++ * List the content of a stored playlist.
+++ *
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendListPlaylistCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path)
+++	char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
+++	int len = strlen("listplaylist")+2+strlen(arg)+3;
+++	char *query = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(query, len, "listplaylist \"%s\"\n", arg);
+++	mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query);
+++	free(arg);
+++	free(query);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path)
+++	char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
+++	int len = strlen("playlistclear")+2+strlen(sPath)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "playlistclear \"%s\"\n", sPath);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
+++	free(sPath);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection,
+++                                char *playlist, char *path)
+++	char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist);
+++	char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path);
+++	int len = strlen("playlistadd")+2+strlen(sPlaylist)+3+strlen(sPath)+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "playlistadd \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sPlaylist, sPath);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
+++	free(sPlaylist);
+++	free(sPath);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection,
+++                                 char *playlist, int from, int to)
+++	char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist);
+++	int len = strlen("playlistmove")+
+++	          2+strlen(sPlaylist)+3+INTLEN+3+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "playlistmove \"%s\" \"%i\" \"%i\"\n",
+++	         sPlaylist, from, to);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
+++	free(sPlaylist);
+++	free(string);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection,
+++                                   char *playlist, int pos)
+++	char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist);
+++	int len = strlen("playlistdelete")+2+strlen(sPlaylist)+3+INTLEN+3;
+++	char *string = (char *)malloc(len);
+++	snprintf(string, len, "playlistdelete \"%s\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, pos);
+++	mpd_executeCommand(connection, string);
+++	free(sPlaylist);
+++	free(string);
++diff -r 171db9560cb5 clients/mpd/libmpdclient.h
++--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++++ b/clients/mpd/libmpdclient.h	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
++@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+++/* libmpdclient
+++   (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (
+++   This project's homepage is:
+++   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+++   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+++   are met:
+++   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+++   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+++   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+++   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+++   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+++   - Neither the name of the Music Player Daemon nor the names of its
+++   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+++   this software without specific prior written permission.
+++#ifdef WIN32
+++#  define __W32API_USE_DLLIMPORT__ 1
+++#include <sys/time.h>
+++#include <stdarg.h>
+++#define MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH	50000
+++#define MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT	10 /* timeout trying to talk to mpd */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM	11 /* system error */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST	12 /* unknown host */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT	13 /* problems connecting to port on host */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD	14 /* mpd not running on port at host */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE	15 /* no response on attempting to connect */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_SENDING	16 /* error sending command */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED	17 /* connection closed by mpd */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_ACK		18 /* ACK returned! */
+++#define MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN	19 /* Buffer was overrun! */
+++#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK	-1
+++#define MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK	-1
+++#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NOT_LIST			1
+++#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_ARG			2
+++#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST			50
+++#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM			52
+++#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_EXIST			56
+++#ifdef __cplusplus
+++extern "C" {
+++typedef enum mpd_TagItems
+++} mpd_TagItems;
+++extern char * mpdTagItemKeys[MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES];
+++/* internal stuff don't touch this struct */
+++typedef struct _mpd_ReturnElement {
+++	char * name;
+++	char * value;
+++} mpd_ReturnElement;
+++/* mpd_Connection
+++ * holds info about connection to mpd
+++ * use error, and errorStr to detect errors
+++ */
+++typedef struct _mpd_Connection {
+++	/* use this to check the version of mpd */
+++	int version[3];
+++	/* IMPORTANT, you want to get the error messages from here */
+++	char errorStr[MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH+1];
+++	int errorCode;
+++	int errorAt;
+++	/* this will be set to MPD_ERROR_* if there is an error, 0 if not */
+++	int error;
+++	/* DON'T TOUCH any of the rest of this stuff */
+++	int sock;
+++	char buffer[MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH+1];
+++	int buflen;
+++	int bufstart;
+++	int doneProcessing;
+++	int listOks;
+++	int doneListOk;
+++	int commandList;
+++	mpd_ReturnElement * returnElement;
+++	struct timeval timeout;
+++	char *request;
+++} mpd_Connection;
+++/* mpd_newConnection
+++ * use this to open a new connection
+++ * you should use mpd_closeConnection, when your done with the connection,
+++ * even if an error has occurred
+++ * _timeout_ is the connection timeout period in seconds
+++ */
+++mpd_Connection * mpd_newConnection(const char * host, int port, float timeout);
+++void mpd_setConnectionTimeout(mpd_Connection * connection, float timeout);
+++/* mpd_closeConnection
+++ * use this to close a connection and free'ing subsequent memory
+++ */
+++void mpd_closeConnection(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* mpd_clearError
+++ * clears error
+++ */
+++void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* use these with status.state to determine what state the player is in */
+++/* us this with status.volume to determine if mpd has volume support */
+++#define MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME		-1
+++/* mpd_Status
+++ * holds info return from status command
+++ */
+++typedef struct mpd_Status {
+++	/* 0-100, or MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME when there is no volume support */
+++	int volume;
+++	/* 1 if repeat is on, 0 otherwise */
+++	int repeat;
+++	/* 1 if random is on, 0 otherwise */
+++	int random;
+++	/* playlist length */
+++	int playlistLength;
+++	/* playlist, use this to determine when the playlist has changed */
+++	long long playlist;
+++	/* use with MPD_STATUS_STATE_* to determine state of player */
+++	int state;
+++	/* crossfade setting in seconds */
+++	int crossfade;
+++	/* if a song is currently selected (always the case when state is
+++	 * PLAY or PAUSE), this is the position of the currently
+++	 * playing song in the playlist, beginning with 0
+++	 */
+++	int song;
+++	/* Song ID of the currently selected song */
+++	int songid;
+++	/* time in seconds that have elapsed in the currently playing/paused
+++	 * song
+++	 */
+++	int elapsedTime;
+++	/* length in seconds of the currently playing/paused song */
+++	int totalTime;
+++	/* current bit rate in kbs */
+++	int bitRate;
+++	/* audio sample rate */
+++	unsigned int sampleRate;
+++	/* audio bits */
+++	int bits;
+++	/* audio channels */
+++	int channels;
+++	/* 1 if mpd is updating, 0 otherwise */
+++	int updatingDb;
+++	/* error */
+++	char * error;
+++} mpd_Status;
+++void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* mpd_getStatus
+++ * returns status info, be sure to free it with mpd_freeStatus()
+++ * call this after mpd_sendStatusCommand()
+++ */
+++mpd_Status * mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* mpd_freeStatus
+++ * free's status info malloc'd and returned by mpd_getStatus
+++ */
+++void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status * status);
+++typedef struct _mpd_Stats {
+++	int numberOfArtists;
+++	int numberOfAlbums;
+++	int numberOfSongs;
+++	unsigned long uptime;
+++	unsigned long dbUpdateTime;
+++	unsigned long playTime;
+++	unsigned long dbPlayTime;
+++} mpd_Stats;
+++typedef struct _mpd_SearchStats {
+++	int numberOfSongs;
+++	unsigned long playTime;
+++} mpd_SearchStats;
+++void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++mpd_Stats * mpd_getStats(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_freeStats(mpd_Stats * stats);
+++mpd_SearchStats * mpd_getSearchStats(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats * stats);
+++/* SONG STUFF */
+++#define MPD_SONG_NO_TIME	-1
+++#define MPD_SONG_NO_NUM		-1
+++#define MPD_SONG_NO_ID		-1
+++/* mpd_Song
+++ * for storing song info returned by mpd
+++ */
+++typedef struct _mpd_Song {
+++	/* filename of song */
+++	char * file;
+++	/* artist, maybe NULL if there is no tag */
+++	char * artist;
+++	/* title, maybe NULL if there is no tag */
+++	char * title;
+++	/* album, maybe NULL if there is no tag */
+++	char * album;
+++	/* track, maybe NULL if there is no tag */
+++	char * track;
+++	/* name, maybe NULL if there is no tag; it's the name of the current
+++	 * song, f.e. the icyName of the stream */
+++	char * name;
+++	/* date */
+++	char *date;
+++	/* added by qball */
+++	/* Genre */
+++	char *genre;
+++	/* Composer */
+++	char *composer;
+++	/* Performer */
+++	char *performer;
+++	/* Disc */
+++	char *disc;
+++	/* Comment */
+++	char *comment;
+++	/* length of song in seconds, check that it is not MPD_SONG_NO_TIME  */
+++	int time;
+++	/* if plchanges/playlistinfo/playlistid used, is the position of the
+++	 * song in the playlist */
+++	int pos;
+++	/* song id for a song in the playlist */
+++	int id;
+++} mpd_Song;
+++/* mpd_newSong
+++ * use to allocate memory for a new mpd_Song
+++ * file, artist, etc all initialized to NULL
+++ * if your going to assign values to file, artist, etc
+++ * be sure to malloc or strdup the memory
+++ * use mpd_freeSong to free the memory for the mpd_Song, it will also
+++ * free memory for file, artist, etc, so don't do it yourself
+++ */
+++mpd_Song * mpd_newSong(void);
+++/* mpd_freeSong
+++ * use to free memory allocated by mpd_newSong
+++ * also it will free memory pointed to by file, artist, etc, so be careful
+++ */
+++void mpd_freeSong(mpd_Song * song);
+++/* mpd_songDup
+++ * works like strDup, but for a mpd_Song
+++ */
+++mpd_Song * mpd_songDup(mpd_Song * song);
+++/* mpd_Directory
+++ * used to store info fro directory (right now that just the path)
+++ */
+++typedef struct _mpd_Directory {
+++	char * path;
+++} mpd_Directory;
+++/* mpd_newDirectory
+++ * allocates memory for a new directory
+++ * use mpd_freeDirectory to free this memory
+++ */
+++mpd_Directory * mpd_newDirectory(void);
+++/* mpd_freeDirectory
+++ * used to free memory allocated with mpd_newDirectory, and it frees
+++ * path of mpd_Directory, so be careful
+++ */
+++void mpd_freeDirectory(mpd_Directory * directory);
+++/* mpd_directoryDup
+++ * works like strdup, but for mpd_Directory
+++ */
+++mpd_Directory * mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory * directory);
+++/* mpd_PlaylistFile
+++ * stores info about playlist file returned by lsinfo
+++ */
+++typedef struct _mpd_PlaylistFile {
+++	char * path;
+++} mpd_PlaylistFile;
+++/* mpd_newPlaylistFile
+++ * allocates memory for new mpd_PlaylistFile, path is set to NULL
+++ * free this memory with mpd_freePlaylistFile
+++ */
+++mpd_PlaylistFile * mpd_newPlaylistFile(void);
+++/* mpd_freePlaylist
+++ * free memory allocated for freePlaylistFile, will also free
+++ * path, so be careful
+++ */
+++void mpd_freePlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist);
+++/* mpd_playlistFileDup
+++ * works like strdup, but for mpd_PlaylistFile
+++ */
+++mpd_PlaylistFile * mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile * playlist);
+++/* the type of entity returned from one of the commands that generates info
+++ * use in conjunction with mpd_InfoEntity.type
+++ */
+++/* mpd_InfoEntity
+++ * stores info on stuff returned info commands
+++ */
+++typedef struct mpd_InfoEntity {
+++	/* the type of entity, use with MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_* to determine
+++	 * what this entity is (song, directory, etc...)
+++	 */
+++	int type;
+++	/* the actual data you want, mpd_Song, mpd_Directory, etc */
+++	union {
+++		mpd_Directory * directory;
+++		mpd_Song * song;
+++		mpd_PlaylistFile * playlistFile;
+++	} info;
+++} mpd_InfoEntity;
+++mpd_InfoEntity * mpd_newInfoEntity(void);
+++void mpd_freeInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity * entity);
+++/* use this function to loop over after calling Info/Listall functions */
+++mpd_InfoEntity * mpd_getNextInfoEntity(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* fetches the currently seeletect song (the song referenced by status->song
+++ * and status->songid*/
+++void mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* songNum of -1, means to display the whole list */
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
+++/* songId of -1, means to display the whole list */
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songId);
+++/* use this to get the changes in the playlist since version _playlist_ */
+++void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, long long playlist);
+++ * @param connection: A valid and connected mpd_Connection.
+++ * @param playlist: The playlist version you want the diff with.
+++ * A more bandwidth efficient version of the mpd_sendPlChangesCommand.
+++ * It only returns the pos+id of the changes song.
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendPlChangesPosIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, long long playlist);
+++/* recursivel fetches all songs/dir/playlists in "dir* (no metadata is
+++ * returned) */
+++void mpd_sendListallCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * dir);
+++/* same as sendListallCommand, but also metadata is returned */
+++void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * dir);
+++/* non-recursive version of ListallInfo */
+++void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * dir);
+++void mpd_sendSearchCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table,
+++		const char * str);
+++void mpd_sendFindCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table,
+++		const char * str);
+++/* use this function fetch next artist entry, be sure to free the returned
+++ * string.  NULL means there are no more.  Best used with sendListArtists
+++ */
+++char * mpd_getNextArtist(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++char * mpd_getNextAlbum(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++char * mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection *connection, int type);
+++/* list artist or albums by artist, arg1 should be set to the artist if
+++ * listing albums by a artist, otherwise NULL for listing all artists or albums
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendListCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int table,
+++		const char * arg1);
+++void mpd_sendAddCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * file);
+++int mpd_sendAddIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file);
+++void mpd_sendDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
+++void mpd_sendDeleteIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
+++void mpd_sendSaveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * name);
+++void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * name);
+++void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * name);
+++void mpd_sendRenameCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *from,
+++                           const char *to);
+++void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* use this to start playing at the beginning, useful when in random mode */
+++void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
+++void mpd_sendPlayIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int songNum);
+++void mpd_sendStopCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendPauseCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int pauseMode);
+++void mpd_sendNextCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendPrevCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendMoveCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int from, int to);
+++void mpd_sendMoveIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int from, int to);
+++void mpd_sendSwapCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song1, int song2);
+++void mpd_sendSwapIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song1, int song2);
+++void mpd_sendSeekCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song, int time);
+++void mpd_sendSeekIdCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int song, int time);
+++void mpd_sendRepeatCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int repeatMode);
+++void mpd_sendRandomCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int randomMode);
+++void mpd_sendSetvolCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int volumeChange);
+++/* WARNING: don't use volume command, its depreacted */
+++void mpd_sendVolumeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int volumeChange);
+++void mpd_sendCrossfadeCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int seconds);
+++void mpd_sendUpdateCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, char * path);
+++/* returns the update job id, call this after a update command*/
+++int mpd_getUpdateId(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendPasswordCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, const char * pass);
+++/* after executing a command, when your done with it to get its status
+++ * (you want to check connection->error for an error)
+++ */
+++void mpd_finishCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* command list stuff, use this to do things like add files very quickly */
+++void mpd_sendCommandListBegin(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++/* advance to the next listOk
+++ * returns 0 if advanced to the next list_OK,
+++ * returns -1 if it advanced to an OK or ACK */
+++int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++typedef struct _mpd_OutputEntity {
+++	int id;
+++	char * name;
+++	int enabled;
+++} mpd_OutputEntity;
+++void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++mpd_OutputEntity * mpd_getNextOutput(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendEnableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int outputId);
+++void mpd_sendDisableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection * connection, int outputId);
+++void mpd_freeOutputElement(mpd_OutputEntity * output);
+++ * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
+++ *
+++ * Queries mpd for the allowed commands
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++ * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
+++ *
+++ * Queries mpd for the not allowed commands
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++ * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
+++ *
+++ * returns the next supported command.
+++ *
+++ * @returns a string, needs to be free'ed
+++ */
+++char *mpd_getNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection);
+++void mpd_sendUrlHandlersCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++char *mpd_getNextHandler(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++void mpd_sendTagTypesCommand(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++char *mpd_getNextTagType(mpd_Connection * connection);
+++ * @param connection a MpdConnection
+++ * @param path	the path to the playlist.
+++ *
+++ * List the content, with full metadata, of a stored playlist.
+++ *
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path);
+++ * @param connection a MpdConnection
+++ * @param path	the path to the playlist.
+++ *
+++ * List the content of a stored playlist.
+++ *
+++ */
+++void mpd_sendListPlaylistCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path);
+++ * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
+++ * @param exact if to match exact
+++ *
+++ * starts a search, use mpd_addConstraintSearch to add
+++ * a constraint to the search, and mpd_commitSearch to do the actual search
+++ */
+++void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact);
+++ * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
+++ * @param type
+++ * @param name
+++ */
+++void mpd_addConstraintSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type, const char *name);
+++ * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
+++ */
+++void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection *connection);
+++ * @param connection a #mpd_Connection
+++ * @param type The type to search for
+++ *
+++ * starts a search for fields... f.e. get a list of artists would be:
+++ * @code
+++ * mpd_startFieldSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST);
+++ * mpd_commitSearch(connection);
+++ * @endcode
+++ *
+++ * or get a list of artist in genre "jazz" would be:
+++ * @code
+++ * mpd_startFieldSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST);
+++ * mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_GENRE, "jazz")
+++ * mpd_commitSearch(connection);
+++ * @endcode
+++ *
+++ * mpd_startSearch will return  a list of songs (and you need mpd_getNextInfoEntity)
+++ * this one will return a list of only one field (the one specified with type) and you need
+++ * mpd_getNextTag to get the results
+++ */
+++void mpd_startFieldSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type);
+++void mpd_startPlaylistSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact);
+++void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection *connection);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection,
+++                                char *playlist, char *path);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection,
+++                                 char *playlist, int from, int to);
+++void mpd_sendPlaylistDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection,
+++                                   char *playlist, int pos);
+++#ifdef __cplusplus
++diff -r 171db9560cb5 clients/mpd/
++--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++++ b/clients/mpd/	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
++@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+++#include "mpdinterface.h"
+++#include "immsutil.h"
+++#include <cctype>
+++#include <fstream>
+++#include <sstream>
+++namespace mpd_interface
+++  position_err::position_err(int position, int playlist_length)
+++  {
+++    std::ostringstream s;
+++    s << "Attempted to access song of invalid position in playlist. "
+++      "Used position: " << position << ", playlist size: "
+++      << playlist_length;
+++    msg = s.str();
+++  }
+++  std::string Song::music_directory = "";
+++  void Song::set_default_dir(std::string path)
+++  {
+++    music_directory = path;
+++    if(!path.empty() && path[path.length()-1]!='/') {
+++      music_directory.append("/");
+++    }
+++  }
+++  bool operator==(const Song& first, const Song& second)
+++  {
+++    return (first.song_path == second.song_path) &&
+++      (first.pl_pos == second.pl_pos) &&
+++      (first.song_length == second.song_length);
+++  }
+++  bool operator!=(const Song& first, const Song& second)
+++  {
+++    return !(first == second);
+++  }
+++  // determines whether the line contains the given parameter in the
+++  // mpd.conf fashion
+++  bool contains_parameter(const std::string& line, const std::string& parameter)
+++  {
+++    if(line.empty() || line[0]=='#') return false;
+++    std::string::size_type pos = line.find(parameter);
+++    if(pos == std::string::npos) return false;
+++    while(pos>0) {
+++      if(!isspace(line[pos-1])) return false;
+++      --pos;
+++    }
+++    return true;
+++  }
+++  // returns the value of the given parameter from an mpd.config line
+++  std::string get_value(const std::string& line,
+++      const std::string& parameter)
+++  {
+++    if(!contains_parameter(line, parameter)) return "";
+++    std::string::size_type start = line.find_first_of("\"");
+++    ++start; // position of the first non-quote char
+++    if(start == std::string::npos || start>=line.size()) return "";
+++    std::string::size_type end = line.find_last_of("\"");
+++    if(end == std::string::npos) return "";
+++    std::string result = line.substr(start, end-start);
+++    return result;
+++  }
+++  config read_configuration(std::string conf_path) throw(config_err)
+++  {
+++    static const std::string address_param = "bind_to_address";
+++    static const std::string port_param = "port";
+++    static const std::string dir_param = "music_directory";
+++    if(conf_path == "")
+++    {
+++      std::string user_path = getenv("HOME");
+++      if(user_path[user_path.size()-1] != '/') user_path.append("/");
+++      user_path.append(".mpdconf");
+++      try {
+++	// read the "~/.mpdconf" file
+++	return read_configuration(user_path);
+++      }
+++      catch (config_err) { // "~/.mpdconf" not found
+++	  // read the "/etc/mpd.conf" instead
+++	  return read_configuration("/etc/mpd.conf");
+++      }
+++    }
+++    else
+++    {
+++      std::ifstream con_f(conf_path.c_str());
+++      if(!con_f) {
+++	throw config_err("cannot open the MPD config file \"" +
+++	    conf_path + "\"");
+++      }
+++      config result;
+++      std::string line;
+++      while(getline(con_f, line)) {
+++	if(contains_parameter(line, address_param)) {
+++	  result.hostname = get_value(line, address_param);
+++	  if(result.hostname.empty()) result.hostname = "localhost";
+++	}
+++	else if(contains_parameter(line, port_param)) {
+++	  std::stringstream s;
+++	  s << get_value(line, port_param);
+++	  if(!(s >> result.port)) result.port = 6600;
+++	}
+++	else if(contains_parameter(line, dir_param)) {
+++	  result.music_dir = get_value(line, dir_param);
+++	}
+++      }
+++      con_f.close();
+++      if(result.music_dir.empty()) {
+++	throw config_err("infalid format of the MPD config file \"" + 
+++	    conf_path + "\"");
+++      }
+++      return result;
+++    }
+++  }
+++  bool Server::connect(const std::string& hostname, int port)
+++    throw(connection_err)
+++  {
+++    if(connected()) disconnect();
+++    try {
+++      connection = mpd_newConnection(hostname.c_str(), port, 10);
+++      if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++    }
+++    catch(connection_err) {
+++      disconnect();
+++      throw;
+++    }
+++    if(connected()) {
+++    }
+++    return connected();
+++  }
+++  void Server::disconnect()
+++  {
+++    if(connection!=nullptr) {
+++      mpd_closeConnection(connection);
+++    }
+++    connection = nullptr;
+++  }
+++  bool Server::ack_error() const throw(connection_err)
+++  {
+++    if(!connected()) throw connection_err();
+++    return connection->error == MPD_ERROR_ACK;
+++  }
+++  // determines whether the MPD is in error state which is not the ACK error
+++  bool Server::mpd_error() const throw(connection_err)
+++  {
+++    if(!connected()) throw connection_err();
+++    return connection->error!=0 && !ack_error();
+++  }
+++  // changes the mpd internal status to the playback_status type
+++  playback_status resolve_state(int mpd_state)
+++  {
+++    switch(mpd_state)
+++    {
+++      case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY:
+++	return playing;
+++      case MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP:
+++	return stopped;
+++	return paused;
+++      default:
+++	return playing;
+++    }
+++  }
+++  void Server::refresh() throw(connection_err)
+++  {
+++    if(!connected()) throw connection_err();
+++    try {
+++// the mess below is here because otherwise the results in nasty problems
+++// when MPD connection times out
+++//TODO prolly doesn't have to be everywhere, though. Weed it out
+++if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(connection);
+++if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_sendStatusCommand(connection);
+++if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(connection);
+++if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_sendCommandListEnd(connection);
+++if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_Status * status = mpd_getStatus(connection);
+++      if(status!=nullptr) {
+++      pl_length = status->playlistLength;
+++      pl_version = status->playlist;
+++      pb_status = resolve_state(status->state);
+++      current_song.set_elapsed(status->elapsedTime);
+++      random = status->random;
+++      mpd_freeStatus(status);
+++      }
+++      if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_nextListOkCommand(connection);
+++      mpd_InfoEntity *entity;
+++      while((entity = mpd_getNextInfoEntity(connection))) {
+++	mpd_Song *song = entity->;
+++	if(entity->type!=MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) {
+++	  mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity);
+++	  continue;
+++	}
+++	current_song.set_path(song->file);
+++	current_song.set_pos(song->pos);
+++	current_song.set_length(song->time);
+++	mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity);
+++      }
+++      if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_finishCommand(connection);
+++      if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++    }
+++    catch(connection_err) {
+++      disconnect();
+++      throw;
+++    }
+++  }
+++  Song Server::get_song_info(int pl_pos)
+++    throw(connection_err, position_err)   
+++  {
+++    if(!connected()) throw connection_err();
+++    if(pl_pos < 0 || pl_pos >= get_playlist_length()) {
+++      throw position_err(pl_pos, get_playlist_length());
+++    }
+++    Song result;
+++    try {
+++      mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(connection, pl_pos);
+++      if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_InfoEntity *entity;
+++      while((entity = mpd_getNextInfoEntity(connection)))
+++      {
+++	mpd_Song *song = entity->;
+++	if(entity->type!=MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG)
+++	{
+++	  mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity);
+++	  continue;
+++	}
+++	result = Song(song->file,song->pos,song->time);
+++	mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity);
+++      }
+++      if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      mpd_finishCommand(connection);
+++      if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      // shouldn't happen, but just in case
+++      if(ack_error())  {
+++	refresh();
+++	throw position_err(pl_pos, get_playlist_length());
+++      }
+++    }
+++    catch(connection_err)
+++    {
+++      disconnect();
+++      throw;
+++    }
+++    return result;
+++  }
+++  void Server::play_song(int pl_pos) throw(connection_err, position_err)
+++  {
+++    if(!connected()) throw connection_err();
+++    if(pl_pos < 0 || pl_pos >= pl_length) {
+++      throw position_err(pl_pos, get_playlist_length());
+++    }
+++    try {
+++      mpd_sendPlayCommand(connection, pl_pos);
+++      mpd_finishCommand(connection);
+++      if(mpd_error()) throw connection_err(connection->errorStr);
+++      if(ack_error()) throw position_err(pl_pos, get_playlist_length());
+++    }
+++    catch(connection_err) {
+++      disconnect();
+++      throw;
+++    }
+++  }
+++  // end of SERVER section
+++  // Player class
+++  Player::Player(): previous_status(stopped), current_status(stopped),
+++  previous_song_pos(Song::invalid_pos), current_song_pos(Song::invalid_pos),
+++  null_song()
+++  {
+++  }
+++  bool Player::connect() throw(config_err, connection_err)
+++  {
+++    config conf = read_configuration();
+++    Song::set_default_dir(conf.music_dir);
+++    return mpd.connect(conf.hostname, conf.port);
+++  }
+++  void Player::disconnect()
+++  {
+++    mpd.disconnect();
+++  }
+++  void Player::refresh()
+++  {
+++    mpd.refresh();
+++    playlist__changed = pl_ver != mpd.get_playlist_version();
+++    if(playlist__changed) {
+++      pl_ver = mpd.get_playlist_version();
+++      // update the internal playlist
+++      playlist.clear();
+++      playlist.reserve(mpd.get_playlist_length());
+++      for(int i = 0; i<mpd.get_playlist_length(); i++) {
+++	playlist.push_back(mpd.get_song_info(i));
+++      }
+++    }
+++    song__changed = mpd.get_current_song() != song(current);
+++    if(song__changed) {
+++      previous_song_pos = current_song_pos;
+++      current_song_pos = mpd.get_current_song().pos();
+++    }
+++    else if(!playlist.empty() && current_song_pos != Song::invalid_pos) {
+++      playlist[current_song_pos].set_elapsed(mpd.get_current_song().
+++	  elapsed());
+++    }
+++    status__changed = current_status != mpd.get_playback_status();
+++    if(status__changed) {
+++      previous_status = current_status;
+++      current_status = mpd.get_playback_status();
+++    }
+++  }
+++  const Song& Player::song(recent value) const
+++  {
+++    if(playlist.empty()) return null_song;
+++    switch(value) {
+++      case previous:
+++	return previous_song_pos == Song::invalid_pos ?
+++	  null_song : song(previous_song_pos);
+++      case current:
+++      default:
+++	return current_song_pos == Song::invalid_pos ?
+++	  null_song : song(current_song_pos);
+++    }
+++  }
+++  const Song& Player::song(int position) const throw(position_err)
+++  {
+++    try {
+++      return;
+++    }
+++    catch (...) {
+++      throw position_err(position, playlist.size());
+++    }
+++  }
+++  playback_status Player::status(recent value) const
+++  {
+++    switch (value) {
+++      case previous: return previous_status;
+++      case current:
+++      default: return current_status;
+++    }
+++  }
+++  void Player::play_song(int pl_pos)
+++  {
+++    mpd.play_song(pl_pos);
+++  }
+++  // end of Player class
+++} // namespace end
++diff -r 171db9560cb5 clients/mpd/mpdinterface.h
++--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++++ b/clients/mpd/mpdinterface.h	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
++@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+++#include "libmpdclient.h"
+++#include <string>
+++#include <vector>
+++namespace mpd_interface
+++const int nullptr = 0; 
+++/* list of thrown exceptions */
+++  // generic exception that can be thrown by MPD
+++  class mpd_err
+++  {
+++  protected:
+++    std::string msg;
+++  public:
+++    mpd_err(const std::string& message = "unknown error"): msg(message) { }
+++    std::string message() const { return msg; }
+++  };
+++  // thrown when for whatever reason the connection cannot be maintained
+++  // the Player is always set to the disconnected state when this is thrown
+++  class connection_err: public mpd_err
+++  {
+++  public:
+++    connection_err(const std::string& message = "not connected"):
+++      mpd_err(message) { }
+++  };
+++  class config_err: public mpd_err
+++  {
+++  public:
+++    config_err(const std::string& message = "") : mpd_err(message) { }
+++  };
+++  // thrown when trying to access element out of the playlist range
+++  // contains information about the length of the playlist
+++  // and the invalid position
+++  class position_err: public mpd_err
+++  {
+++    int invalid_position;
+++    int pl_length;
+++  public:
+++    position_err(int position, int playlist_length);
+++    int pos() const { return invalid_position; }
+++    int playlist_length() const {return pl_length; }
+++  };
+++/* end of the exception list */
+++  // information about the configuration of MPD
+++  // it's the relevant info read from the mpd.config file
+++  struct config
+++  {
+++    std::string hostname;
+++    int port;
+++    std::string music_dir;
+++  };
+++  // attempts to read the configuration file
+++  // if no path is specified following actions are taken:
+++  // first, the ~/.mpdconf file is looked for
+++  // then, the /etc/mpd.conf file is tried.
+++  config read_configuration(std::string conf_path="") throw(config_err);
+++  // Represents one song in playlist.
+++  // Note that when one song is twice in a playlist (their positions differ)
+++  // they are two different songs from this class' point of view.
+++  class Song
+++  {
+++    static std::string music_directory; // directory in which the songs are
+++    std::string song_path; 
+++    int pl_pos; 
+++    int song_length; // time - in seconds
+++    int song_elapsed; // time - in seconds
+++  public:
+++    static const int invalid_pos = MPD_SONG_NO_NUM;
+++    static const int invalid_time = MPD_SONG_NO_TIME;
+++    static void set_default_dir(std::string path); // set the music directory
+++    Song(std::string path = "", int position = invalid_pos,
+++	int length = invalid_time, int elapsed = invalid_time):
+++      song_path(music_directory+path), pl_pos(position),
+++      song_length(length), song_elapsed(elapsed) { }
+++    friend bool operator==(const Song& first, const Song& second);
+++    friend bool operator!=(const Song& first, const Song& second);
+++    std::string path() const { return song_path; }
+++    void set_path(std::string path) { song_path = music_directory+path; }
+++    int pos() const { return pl_pos; }
+++    void set_pos(int position) { pl_pos = position; }
+++    int length() const { return song_length; }
+++    void set_length(int length) { song_length = length; }
+++    int elapsed() const {return song_elapsed; }
+++    void set_elapsed(int elapsed) { song_elapsed = elapsed; }
+++  };
+++  // the status of the playback - whether it's stopped, paused
+++  // or is playing a song right now
+++  enum playback_status {playing, stopped, paused} ;
+++  // represents the communication with the MPD server
+++  // It's a confortable wrapper around the libmpdclient library
+++  // When its refresh() method is called it gets all information from server
+++  // and stores them so as not to flood the MPD with commands
+++  class Server
+++  {
+++  public:
+++    Server(): connection(nullptr) {};
+++    ~Server() { disconnect(); }
+++    bool connect(const std::string& hostname="localhost", int port = 6600)
+++      throw(connection_err);
+++    void disconnect();
+++    bool connected() const {return connection!=nullptr; }
+++    void refresh() throw(connection_err); // the Server asks MPD for new values
+++    int get_playlist_length() const { return pl_length; }
+++    long long get_playlist_version() { return pl_version; }
+++    playback_status get_playback_status() { return pb_status; }
+++    bool get_random() const {return random; }
+++    Song get_song_info(int pl_pos) throw(connection_err,position_err);
+++    Song get_current_song() const { return current_song; }
+++    // plays the song at the specified position
+++    void play_song(int pl_pos) throw(connection_err, position_err);
+++  private:
+++    Server& operator=(const Server&);
+++    Server(const Server&);
+++    mpd_Connection *connection;
+++    int pl_length;
+++    long long pl_version;
+++    playback_status pb_status;
+++    Song current_song;
+++    bool random;
+++    // determines whether the actual MPD error state is the ACK error
+++    bool ack_error() const throw(connection_err);
+++    // determines whether the MPD is in error state which is not the ACK error
+++    bool mpd_error() const throw(connection_err);
+++  };
+++  enum recent {previous, current};
+++  class Player
+++  {
+++  public:
+++    Player();
+++    bool connect() throw(config_err, connection_err);
+++    void disconnect();
+++    bool connected() const { return mpd.connected(); }
+++    void refresh();
+++    bool song_changed() {return song__changed; }
+++    bool playlist_changed() { return playlist__changed; }
+++    bool status_changed() { return status__changed; }
+++    // gets the current or the previously played song
+++    // song(current) returns currently played song
+++    // song(previous) returns the previously played song
+++    const Song& song(recent) const;
+++    const Song& song(int position) const throw(position_err);
+++    int playlist_length() const { return mpd.get_playlist_length(); }
+++    bool radnom() const { return mpd.get_random(); }
+++    void play_song(int pl_pos);
+++    // gets the current or the previous playback status
+++    playback_status status(recent) const;
+++  private:
+++    Player& operator=(const Player&);
+++    Player(const Player&);
+++    Server mpd;
+++    long long pl_ver;
+++    playback_status previous_status, current_status;
+++    int previous_song_pos, current_song_pos;
+++    const Song null_song;
+++    std::vector<Song> playlist;
+++    bool song__changed, playlist__changed, status__changed;
+++  };
++diff -r 171db9560cb5 clients/mpd/
++--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++++ b/clients/mpd/	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
++@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+++MPDCOMMON= mpdinterface.o libmpdclient.o clientstubbase.o libimmscore.a libmodel.a
+++immsmpd: immsmpd.o $(MPDCOMMON)
+++immsmpd: $(call objects,../clients/mpd)
+++immsmpd_install: immsmpd
++diff -r 171db9560cb5
++--- a/	Mon May 19 00:16:56 2008 -0400
+++++ b/	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
++@@ -260,6 +260,13 @@
++ saved_libs="$LIBS"
+++AC_CHECK_PROG(with_mdp, mpd --help, "yes", "no")
+++if test "$with_mpd" != "no"; then
+++    AC_APPEND(PLUGINS, immsmpd)
++ AC_CHECK_PROG(with_xmms, xmms-config, "yes", "no")
++ if test "$with_xmms" != "no"; then
++     CPPFLAGS=`xmms-config --cflags`
++diff -r 171db9560cb5
++--- a/	Mon May 19 00:16:56 2008 -0400
+++++ b/	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
++@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
++ bindir = @bindir@
++ datadir = @datadir@
++-VPATH = ../immscore:../analyzer:../model:../autotag:../immsremote:../utils:../clients:../immsd:../data:../clients/xmms:../clients/bmp:../clients/audacious
+++VPATH = ../immscore:../analyzer:../model:../autotag:../immsremote:../utils:../clients:../immsd:../data:../clients/xmms:../clients/bmp:../clients/audacious:../clients/mpd
++ ARFLAGS = rs
++ SHELL = bash
+diff -r fb5042644071 debian/patches/04mpd-client-config-init.dpatch
+--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/debian/patches/04mpd-client-config-init.dpatch	Mon May 19 01:12:49 2008 -0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
++## mpd-client-config-init.dpatch by Fabien Niñoles <>
++## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
++## DP: Initialize default configuration.
++diff -r 019508c19157 clients/mpd/
++--- a/clients/mpd/	Mon May 19 00:21:51 2008 -0400
+++++ b/clients/mpd/	Mon May 19 00:51:06 2008 -0400
++@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
++ 	    conf_path + "\"");
++       }
++-      config result;
+++      config result = { "localhost", 6600, "" };
++       std::string line;
++       while(getline(con_f, line)) {
++ 	if(contains_parameter(line, address_param)) {
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mpd-client-debian	Mon May 19 01:29:48 2008 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+diff -r 895b2cad584f debian/changelog
+--- a/debian/changelog	Mon May 19 01:12:49 2008 -0400
++++ b/debian/changelog	Mon May 19 01:27:29 2008 -0400
+@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
++imms (3.1.0~rc4-3.0.1) unstable; urgency=low
++  * Add mpd to imms clients from
++ -- Fabien Ninoles <>  Mon, 19 May 2008 01:19:22 -0400
+ imms (3.1.0~rc4-3) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Really add 02compile-with-gcc-4.3 (Closes: #476824)
+diff -r 895b2cad584f debian/control
+--- a/debian/control	Mon May 19 01:12:49 2008 -0400
++++ b/debian/control	Mon May 19 01:27:29 2008 -0400
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ Maintainer: Artur R. Czechowski <>
+ Standards-Version: 3.7.3
+ Homepage:
+-Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), audacious-plugins-dev, libsqlite3-dev (>=3.2.2), libpcre3-dev (>=4.3), libtag1-dev, libvorbis-dev (>=1.0), libfftw3-dev, libglib2.0-dev, zlib1g-dev, libxss-dev, libtorch3-dev, libglade2-dev, dpatch, autoconf, automake
++Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), audacious-plugins-dev, libsqlite3-dev (>=3.2.2), libpcre3-dev (>=4.3), libtag1-dev, libvorbis-dev (>=1.0), libfftw3-dev, libglib2.0-dev, zlib1g-dev, libxss-dev, libtorch3-dev, libglade2-dev, dpatch, autoconf, automake, libmpd-dev
+ Package: imms-common
+ Architecture: any
+@@ -39,3 +39,25 @@
+     ratings even if they are moved and/or their tags change.
+   .
+   This package contains audacious plugin
++Package: imms-mpd
++Architecture: any
++Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, imms-common (= ${binary:Version})
++Provides: imms-plugin
++Description: Unobtrusive, automatic, and learning mpd playlist manager
++ IMMS is an intelligent playlist plug-in that tracks your
++ listening patterns and dynamically adapts to your taste.
++ .
++ Major features include:
++ .
++  - Rating and playlist adjustment are done completely transparently to
++    the user. IMMS is super easy to use!
++  - Though IMMS will mostly play "good" songs, occasionally less popular
++    ones are given a chance to earn your favor.
++  - IMMS does a better job of shuffling than player
++    It is able to recognize different versions of the same song (eg. remixes)
++    and not play them too often.
++  - IMMS uses smart file identification that allows files to keep their
++    ratings even if they are moved and/or their tags change.
++  .
++  This package contains the mpd client daemon.
+diff -r 895b2cad584f debian/copyright
+--- a/debian/copyright	Mon May 19 01:12:49 2008 -0400
++++ b/debian/copyright	Mon May 19 01:27:29 2008 -0400
+@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
+ The current maintainer is Artur R. Czechowski <>
+ It was downloaded from
++with immsmpd download from 
++ by
+ Author: Michael Grigoriev <>
+diff -r 895b2cad584f debian/imms-mpd.dirs
+--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/debian/imms-mpd.dirs	Mon May 19 01:27:29 2008 -0400
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+diff -r 895b2cad584f debian/rules
+--- a/debian/rules	Mon May 19 01:12:49 2008 -0400
++++ b/debian/rules	Mon May 19 01:27:29 2008 -0400
+@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
+ 	$(MAKE) programs_install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/imms-common/usr
+ 	install -m 0644 -D build/ $(CURDIR)/debian/imms-audacious`pkg-config --variable=general_plugin_dir audacious`/
+ 	ln -sf imms-common debian/imms-audacious/usr/share/doc/imms-audacious
++	install -m 0644 -D build/immsmpd $(CURDIR)/debian/imms-mpd/usr/bin/immsmpd
++	ln -sf imms-common debian/imms-mpd/usr/share/doc/imms-mpd
+ # Build architecture-independent files here.
+ binary-indep: build install
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/series	Mon May 19 01:29:48 2008 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@