changeset 33 ad808d18c693
parent 31 13f56bb29b96
--- a/cleanimms	Sun Feb 08 17:27:21 2004 -0500
+++ b/cleanimms	Mon Feb 09 23:29:08 2004 -0500
@@ -1,39 +1,41 @@
 import os
-import sqlite
-from ogg.vorbis import VorbisFile
-import ID3
 import readline
-import imms
+from imms import IMMSCleaner, IMMSDb
 from utils import unique, copy_file, set_file_completer
-class CleanupIMMS:
-    def __init__(self, db_file):
-        self.db = imms.IMMSDb(db_file)
-    def check_uid(self, uid):
-        lib = self.db.get_library_entries(uid = uid)
-        if len(lib) == 0:
-            print "Erased uid = ", uid
-            self.db.erase_uid(uid)
-    def check_sid(self, sid):
-        lib = self.db.get_library_entries(sid = sid)
-        if len(lib) == 0:
-            print "Erased sid = ", uid
-            self.db.erase_sid(sid)
-    def handle_no_file(self, path, uid, sid):
-        other_paths = self.db.get_library_entries(uid = uid)
+class CLICleaner(IMMSCleaner):
+    def check_if_uid_exist(self, uid):
+        other_paths = self.db.get_library_entry(uid = uid)
         other_paths = unique(map(lambda x: x[0], other_paths))
         for opath in other_paths:
             if os.path.isfile(opath):
-                return None
-        other_paths = self.db.get_library_entries(sid = sid)
+	        # if one, release it.
+                return 1
+        return 0
+    def check_and_edit_path(self, path, uid, sid):
+        """Must return the new file name, None to remove
+        it.  If the new file name is already in the Db,
+        it will be skip."""
+        # if path exist, skip it.
+        if os.path.isfile(path):
+            return path
+        # if exist another uid with a valid path, remove it.
+        if self.check_if_uid_exist(uid):
+            return None
+	# Elsewhere, first build a list of valid candidate from sid...
+        other_paths = self.db.get_library_entry(sid = sid)
         other_paths = unique(map(lambda x: x[0], other_paths))
+        return self.edit_filename(path, other_paths)
+    def edit_filename(self, path, other_paths):
+	# Add them to the history for editing
         for opath in other_paths:
             if os.path.isfile(opath):
+        # And also add the current file as a base for editing.
+	# Sniff!  This doesn't seems to work
         while 1:
             cmd = raw_input("I can't find '%s'.\n"
@@ -42,56 +44,18 @@
                 cmd = cmd.lstrip()[0].lower()
                 if cmd == 'e':
                     newpath = raw_input()
+		    # Already exist, so delete.
                     if newpath in other_paths:
                         return None
+		    # new file so keep it.
                     if os.path.isfile(newpath):
                         return newpath
+		    # Elsewhere move it.
                     print "Invalid filename!"
                 elif cmd == 's':
                     return path;
                 elif cmd == 'r':
                     return None
-    def clean_library(self):
-        lib = self.db.get_library_entries()
-        deleted_uids = []
-        deleted_sids = []
-        for entry in lib:
-            path, uid, sid = entry
-            if not os.path.isfile(path):
-                uid = int(uid)
-                sid = int(sid)
-                newfile = self.handle_no_file(path, uid, sid)
-                if not newfile:
-                    print "Erasing ", path
-                    self.db.erase_filename(path)
-                    deleted_uids.append(uid)
-                    deleted_sids.append(sid)
-                elif newfile != path:
-                    print "Renaming ", path, " into ", newfile
-                    self.db.update_filename(path, newfile)
-                else:
-                    print "Skipping ", path
-        map(self.check_uid, unique(deleted_uids))
-        map(self.check_sid, unique(deleted_sids))
-    def clean_rating(self):
-        rates = self.db.get_ratings()
-        rates = unique(map(lambda x: x[0], rates))
-        map(self.check_uid, rates)
-    def clean_acoustic(self):
-        uids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_acoustics())
-        map(self.check_uid, uids)
-    def clean_info(self):
-        sids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_infos())
-        map(self.check_sid, sids)
-    def clean_last(self):
-        sids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_last())
-        map(self.check_sid, sids)
-    def clean_all(self):
-        self.clean_library()
-        self.clean_rating()
-        self.clean_acoustic()
-        self.clean_info()
-        self.clean_last()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -100,11 +64,15 @@
     db_backup = db_file + '.bak'
     copy_file(db_file, db_backup).close()
-        clean_up = CleanupIMMS(db_file)
+        CLICleaner(IMMSDb(db_file)).clean_all()
     except Exception, inst:
         print inst
-        ans = raw_input('Do you want to get back the backup file? ')
-        if len(ans) > 0:
-            if ans.lstrip()[0].lower() == 'y':
-                copy_file(db_backup, db_file)
+        while 1:
+            ans = raw_input('Do you want to get back the backup file? ')
+            if len(ans) > 0:
+                ans = ans.lstrip()[0].lower()
+                if ans == 'y':
+                    copy_file(db_backup, db_file)
+                elif ans == 'n':
+                    break
     print "backup file preserved: %s." % db_backup