changeset 33 ad808d18c693
parent 32 85c8f5280d48
child 34 5bef7600193c
--- a/	Sun Feb 08 17:27:21 2004 -0500
+++ b/	Mon Feb 09 23:29:08 2004 -0500
@@ -1,18 +1,32 @@
-import os
+import os.path
+from sys import stderr
 import sqlite
+from utils import sql_quote, unique
+_log = stderr
-def quote_sql(str):
-    return str.replace("'", "''")
+def rating_to_color(rating):
+    i = rating - 75
+    red = green = blue = 0
+    if i <= 25:
+        red = 255
+        green = i * 255 / 25
+    elif i <= 50:
+        red = (50-i) * 255 / 25
+        green = 255
+    else:
+        green = 255
+        blue = (i-50) * 255 / 25
+    return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (red, green, blue)
 class IMMSDb:
     def __init__(self, dbname = None):
         if not dbname:
             dbname = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.imms/imms.db'
         # autocommit = 1 disable autocommit!
- = sqlite.connect(dbname, autocommit = 1,
-                                 timeout = 2, encoding = ('utf-8', 'replace'))
+ = sqlite.connect(dbname, autocommit = 1, timeout = 5) =
-    def get_library_entry(self):
+    def get_library_entry(self, **kw):
         qry = "SELECT path, uid, sid FROM Library";
         first = 1
         for key in kw.keys():
@@ -24,18 +38,19 @@
             if key in ['uid', 'sid']:
                 qry += "%s = %d" % (key, kw[key])
-                qry += "%s = '%s'" % (key, quote_sql(kw[key]))
+                qry += "%s = '%s'" % (key, sql_quote(kw[key]))
         qry += ";"
+        return res
     def update_filename(self, oldname, newname):"""UPDATE Library
             SET path = '%s'
-            WHERE path = '%s';""" % (quote_sql(newname),
-                                     quote_sql(oldname)))
+            WHERE path = '%s';""" % (sql_quote(newname),
+                                     sql_quote(oldname)))
     def erase_filename(self, name):"""DELETE FROM Library
-            WHERE path = '%s';""" % quote_sql(name))
+            WHERE path = '%s';""" % sql_quote(name))
     def erase_uid(self, uid):"""BEGIN TRANSACTION;
              DELETE FROM Library WHERE uid = %d;
@@ -47,10 +62,10 @@
               DELETE FROM Library WHERE sid = %d;
               DELETE FROM Info WHERE sid = %d;
               DELETE FROM Last WHERE sid = %d;
-              COMMIT;""")
+              COMMIT;""" % (sid, sid, sid))
     def erase_path(self, path):"DELETE FROM Library WHERE path = '%s';" \
-                        % quote_sql(path))
+                        % sql_quote(path))
     def get_paths(self, uids = None, sids = None):
         qry = "SELECT uid, sid, path FROM Library"
         first = 1
@@ -79,48 +94,51 @@
                    ORDER BY Rating.rating;''' % (min, max))
     def get_acoustics(self, uids = None):
-        qry = "SELECT uid, bpm. spectrum FROM Acoustic"
+        qry = "SELECT uid, bpm, spectrum FROM Acoustic"
         first = 1
-        for uid in uids:
-            if first:
-                qry += ' WHERE'
-                first = 0
-            else:
-                qry += ' OR'
-            qry += " uid = %d" % uid
+	if uids:
+             for uid in uids:
+                 if first:
+                     qry += ' WHERE'
+                     first = 0
+                 else:
+                     qry += ' OR'
+                 qry += " uid = %d" % uid
         qry += ';'
     def get_infos(self, sids = None):
-        qry = "SELECT sid, artist, title FROM Infos"
+        qry = "SELECT sid, artist, title FROM Info"
         first = 1
-        for sid in sids:
-            if first:
-                qry += ' WHERE'
-                first = 0
-            else:
-                qry += ' OR'
-            qry += " sid = %d" % id
+        if sids:
+            for sid in sids:
+                if first:
+                    qry += ' WHERE'
+                    first = 0
+                else:
+                    qry += ' OR'
+                qry += " sid = %d" % id
         qry += ';'
     def get_last(self, sids = None):
         qry = "SELECT sid, last FROM Last"
         first = 1
-        for sid in sids:
-            if first:
-                qry += ' WHERE'
-                first = 0
-            else:
-                qry += ' OR'
-            qry += " sid = %d" % id
+        if sids:
+            for sid in sids:
+                if first:
+                    qry += ' WHERE'
+                    first = 0
+                else:
+                    qry += ' OR'
+                qry += " sid = %d" % id
         qry += ';'
     def get_uid_by_path(self, path):
-        entries = self.get_library_entries(path = path)
+        entries = self.get_library_entry(path = path)
         return map(lambda x: x[1], entries)
-    def get_ratings_and_info(self, uids = None):
+    def get_ratings_and_paths(self, uids = None):
         qry = '''SELECT l.uid, r.rating, l.path, ls.last
                FROM Library l, Rating r, Last ls
                WHERE l.uid = r.uid AND l.sid = ls.sid'''
@@ -136,17 +154,99 @@
 	results = {}
 	tune =
         while tune:
-            try:
-                uid = int(tune[0])
-                if results.has_key(uid):
-                    results[uid]['path'].append(
-                        tune[2].decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
-                else:
-                    results[uid] = {
-                        'rating' : int(tune[1]),
-                        'path' : [ tune[2].decode('utf-8', 'replace') ],
-                        'last' : int(tune[3])}
-            except UnicodeDecodeError:
-                print tune[2]
-	    tune =
+            uid = int(tune[0])
+            if results.has_key(uid):
+                results[uid]['path'].append(tune[2])
+            else:
+                results[uid] = {
+                    'rating' : int(tune[1]),
+                    'path' : [ tune[2] ],
+                    'last' : int(tune[3])}
+            tune =
         return results
+    def get_ratings_and_infos(self):
+'''SELECT r.rating, i.artist, i.title
+            FROM Library l, Rating r, Info i
+            WHERE l.uid = r.uid AND l.sid = i.sid;''')
+        return
+class IMMSCleaner:
+    def __init__(self, db):
+        self.db = db
+    def check_uid(self, uid):
+        lib = self.db.get_library_entry(uid = uid)
+        if len(lib) == 0:
+            print >> _log, "Erased uid = ", uid
+            self.db.erase_uid(uid)
+    def check_sid(self, sid):
+        lib = self.db.get_library_entry(sid = sid)
+        if len(lib) == 0:
+            print >> _log, "Erased sid = ", sid
+            self.db.erase_sid(sid)
+    def is_path_in_db(self, path):
+        return len(self.db.get_library_entry(path = path))
+    # Note: I doesn't much how I handle the two following functions...
+    # May be I must just have the second one and handle everything
+    # else in the derived class.
+    def check_and_edit_path(self, path, uid, sid):
+        """Must return the new path, None to remove
+        it.  If the new file name is already in the Db,
+        it will be skip.  The skip is more efficient if path
+        is return.
+        This is the default handler which always skip the file by
+        returning path directly.
+        """
+        # The right thing (but not safe) would be to erase the
+        # file if it already exist in the db...  But I find it
+        # too much unsafe... Erasing a file shouldn't be easy to
+        # do.
+        return path
+    def clean_library(self):
+        lib = self.db.get_library_entry()
+	print >> _log, "Processing %d entries" % len(lib)
+        deleted_uids = []
+        deleted_sids = []
+        for entry in lib:
+            path, uid, sid = entry
+            uid = int(uid)
+            sid = int(sid)
+            newfile = self.check_and_edit_path(path, uid, sid)
+            if not newfile:
+                print >> _log, "Erasing ", path
+                self.db.erase_filename(path)
+                deleted_uids.append(uid)
+                deleted_sids.append(sid)
+            elif (path == newfile):
+                pass
+            elif self.is_path_in_db(newfile):
+                print >> _log, "Skipping ", path
+                pass
+            else:
+                print >> _log, "Renaming ", path, " into ", newfile
+                self.db.update_filename(path, newfile)
+        map(self.check_uid, unique(deleted_uids))
+        map(self.check_sid, unique(deleted_sids))
+    def clean_rating(self):
+	print >> _log, "Clean Rating"
+        rates = self.db.get_ratings()
+        rates = unique(map(lambda x: x[0], rates))
+        map(self.check_uid, rates)
+    def clean_acoustic(self):
+	print >> _log, "Clean Acoustic"
+        uids = self.db.get_acoustics()
+	uids = map(lambda x: x[0], uids )
+        map(self.check_uid, uids)
+    def clean_info(self):
+	print >> _log, "Clean Info"
+        sids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_infos())
+        map(self.check_sid, sids)
+    def clean_last(self):
+	print >> _log, "Clean Last"
+        sids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_last())
+        map(self.check_sid, sids)
+    def clean_all(self):
+        self.clean_library()
+        self.clean_rating()
+        self.clean_acoustic()
+        self.clean_info()
+        self.clean_last()