[svn] Correction and optimization of the clean_all() interface. immsview
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 10:39:27 -0500 (2004-02-11)
changeset 34 5bef7600193c
parent 33 ad808d18c693
child 35 ab72cbd172b8
[svn] Correction and optimization of the clean_all() interface.
--- a/imms.py	Mon Feb 09 23:29:08 2004 -0500
+++ b/imms.py	Wed Feb 11 10:39:27 2004 -0500
@@ -138,6 +138,18 @@
     def get_uid_by_path(self, path):
         entries = self.get_library_entry(path = path)
         return map(lambda x: x[1], entries)
+    def get_alike(self, uid):
+        self.cu.execute('SELECT sid FROM Library WHERE uid = %d;' % uid)
+        sids = self.cu.fetchall()
+        res = {}
+        for sid in sids:
+            sid = int(sid)
+            self.cu.execute("SELECT uid FROM Library "
+                            "WHERE sid = %d;" % sid)
+            res[sid] = []
+            for uid in self.cu.fetchall():
+                res[sid].append(int(uid))
+        return res
     def get_ratings_and_paths(self, uids = None):
         qry = '''SELECT l.uid, r.rating, l.path, ls.last
                FROM Library l, Rating r, Last ls
@@ -169,6 +181,34 @@
             FROM Library l, Rating r, Info i
             WHERE l.uid = r.uid AND l.sid = i.sid;''')
         return self.cu.fetchall()
+    def clean_info(self):
+        self.cu.execute("""DELETE FROM Info
+            WHERE sid NOT IN
+            (SELECT sid FROM Library);""")
+    def clean_last(self):
+        self.cu.execute("""DELETE FROM Last
+            WHERE sid NOT IN
+            (SELECT sid FROM Library);""")
+    def clean_rating(self):
+        self.cu.execute("""DELETE FROM Rating
+            WHERE uid NOT IN
+            (SELECT uid FROM Library);""")
+    def clean_acoustic(self):
+        self.cu.execute("""DELETE FROM Acoustic
+            WHERE uid NOT IN
+            (SELECT uid FROM Library);""")
+    def clean_correlations(self):
+        self.cu.execute("""DELETE FROM Correlations
+            WHERE origin NOT IN (SELECT sid FROM Library)
+            OR destination NOT IN (SELECT sid FROM Library);""")
+    def clean_all(self):
+        self.cu.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;")
+        self.clean_info()
+        self.clean_last()
+        self.clean_rating()
+        self.clean_acoustic()
+        self.clean_correlations()
+        self.cu.execute("COMMIT;")
 class IMMSCleaner:
     def __init__(self, db):
@@ -226,27 +266,28 @@
                 self.db.update_filename(path, newfile)
         map(self.check_uid, unique(deleted_uids))
         map(self.check_sid, unique(deleted_sids))
-    def clean_rating(self):
-	print >> _log, "Clean Rating"
-        rates = self.db.get_ratings()
-        rates = unique(map(lambda x: x[0], rates))
-        map(self.check_uid, rates)
-    def clean_acoustic(self):
-	print >> _log, "Clean Acoustic"
-        uids = self.db.get_acoustics()
-	uids = map(lambda x: x[0], uids )
-        map(self.check_uid, uids)
-    def clean_info(self):
-	print >> _log, "Clean Info"
-        sids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_infos())
-        map(self.check_sid, sids)
-    def clean_last(self):
-	print >> _log, "Clean Last"
-        sids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_last())
-        map(self.check_sid, sids)
+##     def clean_rating(self):
+## 	print >> _log, "Clean Rating"
+##         rates = self.db.get_ratings()
+##         rates = unique(map(lambda x: x[0], rates))
+##         map(self.check_uid, rates)
+##     def clean_acoustic(self):
+## 	print >> _log, "Clean Acoustic"
+##         uids = self.db.get_acoustics()
+## 	uids = map(lambda x: x[0], uids )
+##         map(self.check_uid, uids)
+##     def clean_info(self):
+## 	print >> _log, "Clean Info"
+##         sids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_infos())
+##         map(self.check_sid, sids)
+##     def clean_last(self):
+## 	print >> _log, "Clean Last"
+##         sids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.db.get_last())
+##         map(self.check_sid, sids)
     def clean_all(self):
-        self.clean_library()
-        self.clean_rating()
-        self.clean_acoustic()
-        self.clean_info()
-        self.clean_last()
+        self.db.clean_all()
+##         self.clean_library()
+##         self.clean_rating()
+##         self.clean_acoustic()
+##         self.clean_info()
+##         self.clean_last()