[svn] Display only distinct UID. The path selected is arbitrary, but immsview
Fri, 06 Feb 2004 23:14:40 -0500 (2004-02-07)
changeset 26 76768c12aa04
parent 25 d59f0f20fa8a
child 27 9ac26f2f83e1
[svn] Display only distinct UID. The path selected is arbitrary, but it's always the current one if Current is pressed.
--- a/immsview	Fri Feb 06 20:21:32 2004 -0500
+++ b/immsview	Fri Feb 06 23:14:40 2004 -0500
@@ -20,9 +20,13 @@
 # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-_version_ = "$Id: immsview 1707 2004-02-07 01:21:32Z fabien $"
+_version_ = "$Id: immsview 1708 2004-02-07 04:14:40Z fabien $"
 # $Log$
+# Revision 1.26  2004/02/07 04:14:40  fabien
+# Display only distinct UID.  The path selected is arbitrary, but
+# it's always the current one if Current is pressed.
 # Revision 1.25  2004/02/07 01:21:32  fabien
 # Some typos... (better take a break now...)
@@ -111,6 +115,8 @@
 # * IMMS:
 #   - Add composed rating
 #   - Rating edition
+#   - SID grouping
+#   - UID grouping!!! (yes, you can have different path with the same UID)
 # * XMMS:
 #   - getting current playlist
 #   - editing playlist
@@ -227,15 +233,19 @@
         # Better to fetch everything since locking can really mess
         # things in imms plugin.
     	print time.ctime(time.time()) + ": mapping"
-	results = []
+	results = {}
 	tune = cu.fetchone()
         while tune:
-                tmp = {'uid' : int(tune[0]),
-                       'rating' : int(tune[1]),
-                       'path' : tune[2].decode('utf-8', 'replace'),
-                       'last' : int(tune[3])}
-                results.append(tmp)
+                uid = int(tune[0])
+                if results.has_key(uid):
+                    results[uid]['path'].append(
+                        tune[2].decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
+                else:
+                    results[uid] = {
+                        'rating' : int(tune[1]),
+                        'path' : [ tune[2].decode('utf-8', 'replace') ],
+                        'last' : int(tune[3])}
             except UnicodeDecodeError:
                 print tune[2]
 	    tune = cu.fetchone()
@@ -285,13 +295,21 @@
         self.curtime = time.time()
     def default_sort(self, a, b, dummy):
         return 0
-    def tune_to_giter(self, tune, giter = None):
+    def tune_to_giter(self, uid, tune, giter = None, path = None):
+        if path:
+            for fn in tune['path']:
+                if fn == path:
+                    break
+            else:
+                fn = tune['path'][0]
+        else:
+            fn = tune['path'][0]
         if not giter:
             giter = self.append(None)
-                 IMMSStore.COL_UID, tune['uid'],
+                 IMMSStore.COL_UID, uid,
                  IMMSStore.COL_RATING, tune['rating'],
-                 IMMSStore.COL_PATH, tune['path'],
+                 IMMSStore.COL_PATH, fn,
                  IMMSStore.COL_LAST, tune['last'],
                  IMMSStore.COL_LAST_STR, strtime(self.curtime-tune['last']),
                  IMMSStore.COL_RATING_COLOR, rating_to_color(tune['rating']),
@@ -305,8 +323,8 @@
         tunes = self.db.get_ratings_and_info()
 	print time.ctime(time.time()) + ": inserting"
-        for tune in tunes:
-            self.tune_to_giter(tune)
+        for uid, tune in tunes.items():
+            self.tune_to_giter(uid, tune)
 	print time.ctime(time.time()) + ": end insert"
 	if col:
         	self.set_sort_column_id(col, order)
@@ -331,17 +349,17 @@
         uid = uids[0]
         giter = self.find_giter_from_uid(uid)
         if not giter:
-            tunes = self.db.get_ratings_and_info(uids)
-            if len(tunes) > 0:
-                giter = self.tune_to_giter(tunes[0])
+            tunes = self.db.get_ratings_and_info([uid])
+            if tunes > 0:
+                giter = self.tune_to_giter(uid, tunes[uid], None, song)
-            giter = self.update_giter(giter)
+            giter = self.update_giter(giter, song)
         return giter
-    def update_giter(self, giter):
+    def update_giter(self, giter, path = None):
         uid = self.get_value(giter, IMMSStore.COL_UID)
         tunes = self.db.get_ratings_and_info([uid,])
         if len(tunes) > 0:
-            return self.tune_to_giter(tunes[0], giter)
+            return self.tune_to_giter(uid, tunes[uid], giter, path)
         return giter
 ##     def get_value(self, giter, col):
 ##         # sniff!  Can't override built-ins