[svn] Play selected: check if the file exist, elsewhere try to immsview
Tue, 03 Feb 2004 15:55:27 -0500 (2004-02-03)
changeset 12 d275de5d2be2
parent 11 2913cf0e73e2
child 13 02c10487e5a0
[svn] Play selected: check if the file exist, elsewhere try to update it through the Db.
--- a/immsview	Tue Feb 03 13:50:03 2004 -0500
+++ b/immsview	Tue Feb 03 15:55:27 2004 -0500
@@ -20,9 +20,13 @@
 # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-_immsview_version = "$Id: immsview 1693 2004-02-03 18:50:03Z fabien $"
+_immsview_version = "$Id: immsview 1694 2004-02-03 20:55:27Z fabien $"
 # $Log$
+# Revision 1.13  2004/02/03 20:55:27  fabien
+# Play selected: check if the file exist, elsewhere try to
+# update it through the Db.
 # Revision 1.12  2004/02/03 18:50:03  fabien
 # Add double click and remove sorting when refreshing data.
@@ -165,15 +169,21 @@
                    FROM Library
                    WHERE Library.path = '%s';''' % (path))
         return cu.fetchone()
-    def get_ratings_and_info(self):
+    def get_ratings_and_info(self, uids = None):
     	print time.ctime(time.time()) + ": querying"
         cu = self.cx.cursor()
-        cu.execute('''SELECT Rating.uid, Rating.rating,
+        qry = '''SELECT Rating.uid, Rating.rating,
                    Library.path, Last.last
                    FROM Rating, Library, Last
                    WHERE Rating.uid = Library.uid AND
-                   Library.sid = Last.sid
-                   ORDER BY Rating.rating DESC;''')
+                   Library.sid = Last.sid '''
+        if uids:
+            qry += 'AND (Library.uid = %d' % (uids.pop())
+            for uid in uids:
+                qry += ' OR Library.uid = %d' % uid
+            qry += ') '
+        qry += 'ORDER BY Rating.rating DESC;'
+        cu.execute(qry)
         # Better to fetch everything since locking can really mess
         # things in imms plugin.
     	print time.ctime(time.time()) + ": mapping"
@@ -181,7 +191,8 @@
 	tune = cu.fetchone()
         while tune:
-                tmp = {'rating' : int(tune[1]),
+                tmp = {'uid' : tune[0],
+                       'rating' : int(tune[1]),
                        'path' : tune[2].decode('utf-8', 'replace'),
                        'last' : int(tune[3])}
@@ -196,17 +207,31 @@
     COL_LAST_STR = 2
     COL_LAST = 3
     COL_SELECT = 4
+    COL_UID = 5
     def __init__(self, db):
-                               gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN)
+                               gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,
+                               gobject.TYPE_INT)
         self.db = db
         # self.set_default_sort_func(self.default_sort)
     def default_sort(self, a, b, dummy):
         return 0
+    def tune_to_giter(self, tune, giter = None, curtime = 0):
+        if not curtime:
+            curtime = time.time()
+        if not giter:
+            giter = self.append(None)
+        self.set(giter,
+                 IMMSStore.COL_UID, tune['uid'],
+                 IMMSStore.COL_RATING, tune['rating'],
+                 IMMSStore.COL_PATH, tune['path'],
+                 IMMSStore.COL_LAST_STR, strtime(curtime-tune['last']),
+                 IMMSStore.COL_LAST, tune['last'],
+                 IMMSStore.COL_SELECT, gtk.FALSE)
     def refresh(self):
         curtime = time.time()
         col, order = self.get_sort_column_id()
@@ -219,13 +244,7 @@
 	print time.ctime(time.time()) + ": inserting"
         for tune in tunes:
-            iter = self.append(None)
-            self.set(iter,
-                     IMMSStore.COL_RATING, tune['rating'],
-                     IMMSStore.COL_PATH, tune['path'],
-                     IMMSStore.COL_LAST_STR, strtime(curtime-tune['last']),
-                     IMMSStore.COL_LAST, tune['last'],
-                     IMMSStore.COL_SELECT, gtk.FALSE)
+            self.tune_to_giter(tune, curtime = curtime)
 	print time.ctime(time.time()) + ": end insert"
         self.set_sort_column_id(col, order)
     def find_selection(self):
@@ -242,6 +261,12 @@
                 return self.get_path(giter)
             giter = self.iter_next(giter)
         return None
+    def update_iter(self, giter):
+        uid = self.get_value(giter, IMMSStore.COL_UID)
+        tunes = self.db.get_ratings_and_info([uid,])
+        for tune in tunes:
+            self.tune_to_giter(tune, giter)
+        return giter
 class IMMSView(gtk.TreeView):
 	def __init__(self, model, xmms):
@@ -281,16 +306,29 @@
                 giter = model.get_iter(gpath)
                 model.set_value(giter, IMMSStore.COL_SELECT, gtk.TRUE)
+        def get_filename(self, giter):
+            update = 0
+            fn = model.get_value(giter, IMMSStore.COL_PATH)
+            try:
+                os.stat(fn)
+            except OSError:
+                update = 1
+            if update:
+                model.update_iter(giter)
+                fn = model.get_value(giter, IMMSStore.COL_PATH)
+                try:
+                    os.stat(fn)
+                except OSError:
+                    return None
         def get_file_selected(self):
             model, giter = self.get_selection().get_selected()
             if giter:
-                return model.get_value(giter, IMMSStore.COL_PATH)
+                return self.get_filename(giter)
             return None
         def on_row_activated(self, tview, path, col):
             model = self.get_model()
             giter = model.get_iter(path)
-            fn = model.get_value(giter, IMMSStore.COL_PATH)
-            self.xmms.play_file(fn)
+            self.set_current_song(fn)
 class IMMSToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):