--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scheduler.py Sun Mar 21 16:50:13 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
+import sys
+import logging
+import threading
+import Queue
+# A basic worker pool... should be replaced with a resizable one.
+class ThreadPool(object):
+ class _Worker(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, uid, pool):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self, name = "Worker%d" % uid)
+ self.pool = pool
+ def run(self):
+ logging.info("%s started", self.getName())
+ while True:
+ job = self.pool.jobs.get()
+ if job:
+ logging.debug("%s is running %r", self.getName(), job)
+ try:
+ job()
+ except:
+ logging.exception("Job %r return an exception", job)
+ logging.debug("Job %r completed.", job)
+ else:
+ self.pool.jobs.put(job)
+ break
+ logging.info("%s stopped", self.getName())
+ def __init__(self, size):
+ super(ThreadPool, self).__init__()
+ self.jobs = Queue.Queue()
+ self._workers = [self._Worker(x+1, self) for x in xrange(size)]
+ def Start(self):
+ logging.info("Starting Workers pool")
+ for worker in self._workers:
+ worker.start()
+ logging.info("Workers started")
+ def Stop(self, now = False):
+ logging.info("Stopping Workers")
+ if now:
+ self.jobs = Queue.Queue()
+ self.jobs.put(None)
+ for worker in self._workers:
+ worker.join()
+ logging.info("Workers stopped")
+ def AddJob(self, job):
+ self.jobs.put(job)
+# A task, representing a series of linked pairs of callback and error
+# handler Concept is similar to twisted, but you need to put all your
+# callback on the task before giving it to the Scheduler. For this
+# reason, you shouldnt call the callback/errorback method yourself (or
+# at least, don't put it back in the scheduler after that).
+class Task(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def DefaultCallback(result):
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def DefaultErrorback(error):
+ return error
+ def __init__(self, func = None, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Task, self).__init__()
+ self.callbacks = []
+ if func:
+ def callback(result):
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.AddCallback(callback)
+ def AddCallback(self, callback, errorback = None):
+ if errorback == None:
+ errorback = self.DefaultErrorback
+ self.callbacks.append((callback, errorback))
+ # permit chained calls
+ return self
+ def ChainTask(self, task):
+ return self.AddCallback(task.Callback, task.Errorback)
+ def Callback(self, result, error = None, traceback = None):
+ logging.debug("Handling task %r callbacks", self)
+ for cb, eb in self.callbacks:
+ try:
+ if error:
+ error = eb(error)
+ else:
+ result = cb(result)
+ except:
+ errtype, error, traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ if error:
+ raise error, None, traceback
+ return result
+ ##
+ # Consume the callbacks with an error. Notes that error will
+ # raise if not handled and return value would be a result
+ def Errorback(self, error, traceback = None):
+ return self.Callback(None, error, traceback)
+class Scheduler(threading.Thread):
+ class _SchedulerStop(Exception):
+ pass
+ def __init__(self, poolSize):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self, name = "Scheduler", target = self.Run)
+ self.pool = ThreadPool(poolSize)
+ self.tasks = Queue.Queue()
+ def ExecuteOne(self, blocking = True):
+ logging.debug("Looking for next task...")
+ try:
+ task = self.tasks.get(blocking)
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ logging.debug("No task to run")
+ return
+ return task.Callback(None)
+ def Run(self):
+ logging.info("Scheduler start")
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.ExecuteOne()
+ except self._SchedulerStop:
+ break
+ except:
+ logging.exception("Unhandled task exception")
+ logging.info("Scheduler stop")
+ def Start(self):
+ self.pool.Start()
+ return self.start()
+ def Stop(self, now = False):
+ self.pool.Stop(now)
+ if now:
+ self.tasks = Queue.Queue()
+ def RaiseSchedulerStop():
+ raise self._SchedulerStop
+ self.AddTask(Task(RaiseSchedulerStop))
+ self.join()
+ def AddTask(self, task, blocking = True):
+ self.tasks.put(task, blocking)
+ ##
+ # A job is a task run in a seperated thread. After the job run, a
+ # new Task is add to the scheduler either with a result or an error,
+ # so that only the task, not the callbacks, is run in the worker
+ # thread. Note the passed task is consumed after this call.
+ # A better design would have to allow Task to suspend or
+ # resume themself and to run in the thread if it want to, but this will
+ # required the callback to know about its Task and the scheduler
+ # itself, which solve nothing.
+ def AddJob(self, task, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ def Job():
+ try:
+ result = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ def returnResult():
+ return result
+ jobTask = Task(returnResult)
+ except:
+ errtype, error, traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ def raiseError():
+ raise error, None, traceback
+ jobTask = Task(raiseError)
+ jobTask.ChainTask(task)
+ self.AddTask(jobTask)
+ self.pool.AddJob(Job)
+ ##
+ # This basically allow one callback to run in a seperated thread
+ # and then get the result to another deferred callback. Helas,
+ # this create two Tasks, one for the caller, one for the
+ # callbacks, with only the first one having to be passed to the
+ # scheduler. This should be more transparent: a callback which
+ # required to be run as a job should simply be mark like it and
+ # the current task suspend until the job is finished, then resume.
+ def CreateCallbackAsJob(self, src, cb):
+ dst = Task()
+ def CreateJobCallback(result):
+ def Job():
+ cb(result)
+ self.AddJob(dst, Job)
+ src.AddCallback(CreateJobCallback)
+ return dst
+# The global scheduler
+scheduler = None
+def StartScheduler(size):
+ global scheduler
+ if scheduler:
+ StopScheduler()
+ scheduler = Scheduler(size)
+ scheduler.Start()
+def StopScheduler(now = False):
+ global scheduler
+ if scheduler:
+ scheduler.Stop(now)
+ scheduler = None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from time import sleep
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # This function is a sample and shouldn't know about the scheduler
+ count = 0
+ def AsyncCall():
+ global count
+ count += 1
+ def Initialize(name, sleep):
+ print "Here", name
+ return name, sleep
+ def Blocking(args):
+ name, time = args
+ print name, "goes to bed"
+ sleep(time)
+ print name, ": ZZZ..."
+ return name
+ def Finalize(name):
+ global count
+ print name, "wakes up!"
+ count -= 1
+ dinit = Task(Initialize, "Toto", 5)
+ # How can I remove the scheduler from the picture ?
+ # The only way I can see is to have a special kind of Task
+ # and a suspended queue... May be this will also be more clean
+ dfinal = scheduler.CreateCallbackAsJob(dinit, Blocking)
+ dfinal.AddCallback(Finalize)
+ # This is confusing but the reason is that the dfinal callback
+ # will be added to the scheduler by the job itself at the end of
+ # its execution.
+ return dinit
+ logging.info("Starting scheduler with 10 workers")
+ StartScheduler(10)
+ dasync = AsyncCall()
+ logging.info("Adding asynccall task")
+ scheduler.AddTask(dasync)
+ while count > 0:
+ logging.debug("Count = %d", count)
+ sleep(1)
+ logging.info("Stopping scheduler")
+ StopScheduler()
+ logging.info("The End.")