changeset 0 1e76c59aa3a6
child 1 fb1ab147b2dd
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1e76c59aa3a6
     1 #!/usr/bin/python3
     3 from html.parser import HTMLParser
     4 from pprint import pprint
     5 import xml.dom
     6 from itertools import chain
     8 class Node:
     9     def __init__(self, **args):
    10         self.childs = []
    11         self.attrs = {}
    12         for arg in args:
    13             setattr(self, arg, args[arg])
    14         if self.name == "div" and "class" in self.attrs:
    15             self.tag = self.name
    16             self.name = self.attrs["class"]
    17             del self.attrs["class"]
    18         else:
    19             self.tag = self.name
    20     def format(self, prefix = ""):
    21         res = prefix + "<" + self.name
    22         for attr in self.attrs:
    23             if self.attrs[attr]:
    24                 res += "\n" + prefix + "  " + attr + '="' + self.attrs[attr] + '"'
    25             else:
    26                 res += "\n" + prefix + "  " + attr
    27         if self.name == "data":
    28             res += ">" + self.data + "</" + self.name + ">"
    29         elif self.childs:
    30             res += ">"
    31             for child in self.childs:
    32                 res += "\n" + child.format(prefix + "  ")
    33             res += "\n" + prefix + "</" + self.name + ">"
    34         else:
    35             res += "/>"
    36         return res
    37     def find(self, prefix):
    38         for child in self.childs:
    39             if child.name.startswith(prefix):
    40                 yield child
    41     def __getattr__(self, name):
    42         for child in self.childs:
    43             if child.name == name:
    44                 setattr(self, name, child)
    45                 return child
    46         raise AttributeError(name)
    47     def __repr__(self):
    48         return self.format()
    50 class BundleParser(HTMLParser):
    51     def __init__(self, **args):
    52         super(BundleParser, self).__init__(**args)
    53         self.dom = Node(name = "root",
    54                         childs = [],
    55                         parent = None)
    56         self.current = self.dom
    57         self.depth = 1
    58     def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
    59         # print("+" * self.depth,tag)
    60         new = Node(name = tag,
    61                    attrs = dict(attrs),
    62                    childs = [],
    63                    parent = self.current)
    64         self.current.childs.append(new)
    65         self.current = new
    66         self.depth += 1
    67     def handle_endtag(self, tag):
    68         while tag != self.current.tag:
    69             print("*** Skipping", self.current.tag,"; looking for",tag)
    70             self.current = self.current.parent
    71             self.depth-=1
    72             # print("-" * self.depth,self.current.tag)
    73             assert(self.current != self.dom)
    74         assert(self.current.tag == tag)
    75         self.depth-=1
    76         # print("-" * self.depth,tag)
    77         self.current = self.current.parent
    78     def handle_data(self, data):
    79         if data.strip():
    80             self.current.childs.append(Node(name = "data", data = data, childs = []))
    82 def findRows(dom):
    83     for child in dom.childs:
    84         try:
    85             if child.name[:4] == "row ":
    86                 yield child
    87             else:
    88                 for row in findRows(child):
    89                     yield row
    90         except KeyError:
    91             pass
    92             for row in findRows(child):
    93                 yield row
    95 class Download:
    96     subst = { "arc32"         : ("x86",),
    97               "arc64"         : ("x64",),
    98               "i386.deb"      : ("x86","deb"),
    99               "x86_64.deb"    : ("x64", "deb"),
   100               "i686.rpm"      : ("x86", "rpm"),
   101               ".i386.rpm"     : ("x86", "rpm"),
   102               "x86_64.rpm"    : ("x64", "rpm"),
   103               ".x86_64.rpm"   : ("x64", "rpm"),
   104               "i386.tar.gz"   : ("x86", "tgz"),
   105               "x86_64.tar.gz" : ("x64", "tgz"),
   106               ".tar.gz"       : ("tgz",),
   107               ".deb"          : ("deb",),
   108               ".rpm"          : ("rpm",),
   109               "32-bit"        : ("x86",),
   110               "64-bit"        : ("x64",),              
   111               }
   112     def __init__(self, dltype, dom):
   113         self.dltype = dltype
   114         self.id = dom.name[len("download "):]
   115         button = list(dom.find("flexbtn "))[0]
   116         desc = button.span.data.data
   117         self.id += " " + desc
   118         def cleanup(attr):
   119             attr = attr.strip()
   120             if attr not in ("Download","small",""):
   121                 for s in self.subst.get(attr,(attr,)):
   122                     yield s
   123         self.attrs = set(chain.from_iterable(cleanup(attr) for attr in self.id.split(" ")))
   124         urls = button.a.attrs
   125         self.torrent = urls["data-bt"]
   126         self.web = urls["data-web"]
   127         details = dom.dldetails.dlsize
   128         if details.childs:
   129             self.size = details.span.data.data
   130             self.md5 = details.a.attrs["href"]
   131         else:
   132             self.size = "Unknown"
   133             self.md5 = "Unknown"
   134     def score(self):
   135         if self.dltype == "audio":
   136             if "FLAC" in self.attrs:
   137                 return 2
   138             if "MP3" in self.attrs:
   139                 return 1
   140             if "website" in self.attrs:
   141                 return -1
   142             raise Exception("Unknow audio type: %r" % (self.attrs))
   143         if self.dltype in ("mac","windows"):
   144             return -1
   145         if self.dltype == "linux":
   146             score = 1
   147             if "x64" in self.attrs:
   148                 score += 1
   149             if "deb" in self.attrs:
   150                 score += 1
   151             return score
   152         if self.dltype == "android":
   153             return 0
   154         raise Exception("Unknown dls type: %r" % (self,))
   155     def format(self, prefix=""):
   156         res = prefix + '<download id="' + self.id + '">\n'
   157         res += prefix + "  <web>" + self.web + "</web>\n"
   158         res += prefix + "  <torrent>" + self.torrent + "</torrent>\n"
   159         res += prefix + "  <size>" + self.size + "</size>\n"
   160         res += prefix + "  <md5>" + self.md5 + "</md5>\n"
   161         res += prefix + "</download>"
   162         return res
   163     def __repr__(self):
   164         return self.format()
   166 class Downloads:
   167     def __init__(self, dom):
   168         self.id = dom.name[len("downloads "):].split(" ")[0]
   169         self.elements = []
   170         self.others = []
   171         self.addchilds(dom)
   172     def addchilds(self, dom):
   173         for child in dom.childs:
   174             if child.name.startswith("downloads"):
   175                 self.addchilds(child)
   176             elif child.name.startswith("download"):
   177                 self.elements.append(Download(self.id, child))
   178             elif child.name == "arc-toggle":
   179                 self.addchilds(child)
   180             elif child.name in ("clearfix","label"):
   181                 pass
   182             else:
   183                 self.others.append(child)
   184     def __iter__(self):
   185         return iter(self.elements)
   186     def format(self, prefix = ""):
   187         res = prefix + '<downloads id="' + self.id + '">\n'
   188         if self.elements:
   189             for el in self.elements:
   190                 res += el.format(prefix + "  ") + "\n"
   191         if self.others:
   192             res += prefix + "  <others>\n"
   193             for o in self.others:
   194                 res += o.format(prefix + "    ") + "\n"
   195             res += prefix + "  </others>\n"
   196         res += prefix + "</downloads>"
   197         return res
   198     def choose(self):
   199         scores = list((dl.score(),dl) for dl in self if dl.score() >= 0)
   200         scores.sort(key = lambda x: x[0], reverse = True)
   201         for s, dl in scores:
   202             return [dl]
   203         return []
   204     def __repr__(self):
   205         return self.format()
   207 class Game:
   208     def __init__(self, dom):
   209         self.title = "unknown"
   210         self.downloads = []
   211         self.others = []
   212         for child in dom.childs:
   213             if child.name == "gameinfo":
   214                 self.title = dom.gameinfo.title.a.data.data.strip()
   215             elif child.name.startswith("downloads "):
   216                 self.downloads.append(Downloads(child))
   217             elif child.name in ["icn", "clearfix"]:
   218                 pass
   219             else:
   220                 self.others.append(child)
   221     def __repr__(self):
   222         res  = "<game>\n"
   223         res += "  <title>" + self.title + "</title>\n"
   224         if self.downloads:
   225             res += "  <downloads>\n"
   226             for dl in self.downloads:
   227                 res += dl.format("    ") + "\n"
   228             res += "  </downloads>\n"
   229         if self.others:
   230             res += "  <others>\n"
   231             for o in self.others:
   232                 res += o.format("    ") + "\n"
   233             res += "  </others>\n"
   234         res += "</game>"
   235         return res
   237 def parseGames(dom):
   238     for row in findRows(dom):
   239         yield Game(row)
   241 parser = BundleParser()
   242 with open("tidy_bundle.html") as f:
   243     for l in f:
   244         parser.feed(l)
   246 for game in parseGames(parser.dom):
   247     for dls in game.downloads:
   248         choosen = dls.choose()
   249         for dl in dls:
   250             print("%s | %-20s | %-10s | %-25s | %s " % (
   251                     "*" if dl in choosen else " ",
   252                     game.title, 
   253                     dls.id,
   254                     ", ".join(sorted(dl.attrs)),
   255                     dl.torrent))