changeset 10 d7e256c9aec9
parent 9 e3a2bb2bae8d
child 11 dc1b075c538a
--- a/update-hib.py	Sun Sep 22 22:07:04 2013 -0400
+++ b/update-hib.py	Wed Jan 22 19:37:59 2014 -0500
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
                     yield s
         self.attrs = set(chain.from_iterable(cleanup(attr) for attr in ids))
         urls = button.a.attrs
+        logging.debug("URLS are %r", urls)
         self.torrent = urls["data-bt"]
         self.web = urls["data-web"]
         details = soup.find(class_="dldetails").find(class_="dlsize")
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@
         self.others = []
     def addchilds(self, soup):
+        logging.debug("Parsing soup for downloads %s", self.id)
         for child in soup.children:
             if type(child) is not bs4.element.Tag:
@@ -90,7 +92,11 @@
             if [True for attr in classes if attr in ("arc-toggle", "downloads")]:
             elif "download" in classes:
-                self.elements.append(Download(self.id, child))
+                desc = child.find(class_="flexbtn").span.string
+                if desc == "Stream":
+                    logging.info("Ignoring Stream URLs for %s", self.id)
+                else:
+                    self.elements.append(Download(self.id, child))
             elif [True for attr in classes if attr in ("clearfix","label")]:
@@ -117,13 +123,14 @@
         self.title = "unknown"
         self.downloads = []
         self.others = []
-        for child in soup.children:            
+        for child in soup.children:
             if type(child) is not bs4.element.Tag:
             classes = child["class"] if "class" in child.attrs else []
             if "gameinfo" in classes:
                 self.title = child.find(class_="title").a.string.strip()
             elif "downloads" in classes:
+                logging.debug("Collecting downloadables for %s", self.title)
             elif [True for attr in classes if attr in ["icn", "clearfix"]]:
@@ -166,6 +173,8 @@
                 return 1
             if "website" in dl.attrs:
                 return -1
+            if "AAC" in dl.attrs:
+                return 1
             raise Exception("Unknown audio type: %r" % (dl.attrs))
         if dl.dltype in ("mac","windows"):
             return -1
@@ -205,27 +214,40 @@
     logging.debug("Empty scores list: %r", scores)
     return []
+class tee:
+    def __init__(self, main, *other):
+        self.main = main
+        self.other = other
+    def write(self, s):
+        self.main.write(s)
+        for o in self.other:
+            o.write(s)
 def main(fn):
     selector = FileSelector()
     downloads = []
-    for game in parseGamesFromFile(fn):
-        for dls in game.downloads:
-            scores = list(selector(dls))
-            choosen = selectHighestScore(scores)
-            for score, dl in scores:
-                print("[%s] %2d | %-20s | %-15s | %-10s | %-25s | %s " % (
-                        "*" if dl in choosen else " ",
-                        score,
-                        game.title,
-                        dls.id,
-                        dls.date,
-                        ", ".join(sorted(dl.attrs)),
-                        dl.torrent))
-                if dl in choosen:
-                    downloads.append(dl)
-            if not scores:
-                print("No download for",dls.id)
-            print("-" * 80)
+    import sys
+    with open("torrents.log", "w") as l:
+        for game in parseGamesFromFile(fn):
+            logging.info("Parsing game %s (%d downloads)", game.title, len(game.downloads))
+            for dls in game.downloads:
+                scores = list(selector(dls))
+                choosen = selectHighestScore(scores)
+                for score, dl in scores:
+                    print("[%s] %2d | %-30s | %-15s | %-30s | %-15s | %s " % (
+                            "*" if dl in choosen else " ",
+                            score,
+                            game.title,
+                            dls.id,
+                            dl.date,
+                            ", ".join(sorted(dl.attrs)),
+                            dl.torrent),
+                          file=l)
+                    if dl in choosen:
+                        downloads.append(dl)
+                if not scores:
+                    print("No download for %s" % (dls.id), file=l)
+                print("-" * 80, file=l)
     import urllib.request
     import urllib.parse
@@ -243,6 +265,7 @@
                     with opener.open(dl.torrent) as u:
                         with open(fn,"wb") as f:
+                    logging.info("%s saved.", os.path.realpath(fn))
                 logging.exception("Error with download %r", dl)