Update Humble Indie Bundle--------------------------The goal of this script is to parse your Humble Bundle library pageand retrieve the interesting files. It is right now in its earlystage of development but do its job right although it could havebeen cleaner.Right now, for using it, I simply save my library page on disk, tidyit (because the python HTML parser is not really robust to handleReal-Life HTML), and pass it as the first argument of the script. Thescript will then collect all the interesting on the page, select inpreference FLAC and x64/deb packages for linux and download thetorrent file for them in the current directory. There is right now noway to modify the behavior of the script except by editing itdirectly, but it is simple enough to be doable relatively easily.The only dependency required for the script is Python 3.x (with nospecial packages), and it should work on Mac and Windows with noproblem at all.