1 2003-09-26 11:04 fabien |
2 |
3 * .cvsignore, .htaccess, TODO, add_bk.tmpl, add_confirm.py, |
4 add_confirm.tmpl, add_result.py, add_result.tmpl, index.py, |
5 index.tmpl, kw_result.py, inc/keywords.tmpl, lib/utils.py: Add |
6 delete bookmarks functionality as well as many reusability issues. |
7 |
8 2003-09-26 11:03 fabien |
9 |
10 * do_edit_kw.py: Retrait de fonctions inutiles (maintenant dans |
11 kw_result.py) |
12 |
13 2003-09-25 11:02 fabien |
14 |
15 * TODO, add_bk.tmpl, do_edit_kw.py, edit_kw.py, edit_kw.tmpl, |
16 index.py, index.tmpl, kw_confirm.tmpl, kw_result.py, lib/my_db.py: |
17 Add update/merge/delete keywords. |
18 |
19 2003-09-24 17:51 fabien |
20 |
21 * index.tmpl: Some clean up of index. |
22 |
23 2003-09-24 17:19 fabien |
24 |
25 * TODO, add_result.py, index.py, index.tmpl, lib/my_db.py: Add |
26 count to keywords. |
27 |
28 2003-09-24 16:44 fabien |
29 |
30 * lib/my_db.py: Correctly quote data in SQL. |
31 |
32 2003-09-24 16:43 fabien |
33 |
34 * add_result.py: Check for unexisting description or name. |
35 |
36 2003-09-24 16:43 fabien |
37 |
38 * add_result.tmpl: Correctly close the h1 tag. |
39 |
40 2003-09-24 15:48 fabien |
41 |
42 * add.py, add.tmpl, add_bk.tmpl, add_result.py, add_result.tmpl, |
43 edit.py, index.py, index.tmpl: Ajout des fonctions d'�ditions. |
44 |
45 2003-09-24 14:29 fabien |
46 |
47 * lib/my_db.py: Invalid quoted in add_keyword query. |
48 |
49 2003-09-24 14:28 fabien |
50 |
51 * add_bk.tmpl, add_result.py: Add new keywords entry. |
52 |
53 2003-09-24 14:28 fabien |
54 |
55 * index.py: Correction for zero-lenght results in bookmark search. |
56 |
57 2003-09-24 13:57 fabien |
58 |
59 * inc/.htaccess: Limite l'entr�e dans inc. |
60 |
61 2003-09-24 13:29 fabien |
62 |
63 * add.py, add_bk.tmpl, index.py, index.tmpl: Ajout du Quick Mark |
64 Link. |
65 |
66 2003-09-23 15:11 fabien |
67 |
68 * .cvsignore, .htaccess, add.py, add_bk.tmpl, add_result.py, |
69 add_result.tmpl, index.py, index.tmpl, inc/keywords.tmpl, |
70 lib/.cvsignore, lib/bkmark.py, lib/my_db.py: Add and browse |
71 working. |
72 |
73 2003-09-23 10:26 fabien |
74 |
75 * lib/: bkmark.py, config.py, my_db.py: Mise � jour des fonctions |
76 d'acc�s � la DB. |
77 |
78 2003-09-23 10:26 fabien |
79 |
80 * .htaccess: Acc�s au r�pertoire prot�g�. |
81 |
82 2003-09-23 08:59 fabien |
83 |
84 * add.py, add.tmpl, index.py, index.tmpl, lib/.htaccess, |
85 lib/bkmark.py, lib/create_db.sql, lib/my_db.py: Premi�re version. |
86 |