[svn r1552] Add ChangeLog.
2003-09-26 11:04 fabien
* .cvsignore, .htaccess, TODO, add_bk.tmpl, add_confirm.py,
add_confirm.tmpl, add_result.py, add_result.tmpl, index.py,
index.tmpl, kw_result.py, inc/keywords.tmpl, lib/utils.py: Add
delete bookmarks functionality as well as many reusability issues.
2003-09-26 11:03 fabien
* do_edit_kw.py: Retrait de fonctions inutiles (maintenant dans
2003-09-25 11:02 fabien
* TODO, add_bk.tmpl, do_edit_kw.py, edit_kw.py, edit_kw.tmpl,
index.py, index.tmpl, kw_confirm.tmpl, kw_result.py, lib/my_db.py:
Add update/merge/delete keywords.
2003-09-24 17:51 fabien
* index.tmpl: Some clean up of index.
2003-09-24 17:19 fabien
* TODO, add_result.py, index.py, index.tmpl, lib/my_db.py: Add
count to keywords.
2003-09-24 16:44 fabien
* lib/my_db.py: Correctly quote data in SQL.
2003-09-24 16:43 fabien
* add_result.py: Check for unexisting description or name.
2003-09-24 16:43 fabien
* add_result.tmpl: Correctly close the h1 tag.
2003-09-24 15:48 fabien
* add.py, add.tmpl, add_bk.tmpl, add_result.py, add_result.tmpl,
edit.py, index.py, index.tmpl: Ajout des fonctions d'�ditions.
2003-09-24 14:29 fabien
* lib/my_db.py: Invalid quoted in add_keyword query.
2003-09-24 14:28 fabien
* add_bk.tmpl, add_result.py: Add new keywords entry.
2003-09-24 14:28 fabien
* index.py: Correction for zero-lenght results in bookmark search.
2003-09-24 13:57 fabien
* inc/.htaccess: Limite l'entr�e dans inc.
2003-09-24 13:29 fabien
* add.py, add_bk.tmpl, index.py, index.tmpl: Ajout du Quick Mark
2003-09-23 15:11 fabien
* .cvsignore, .htaccess, add.py, add_bk.tmpl, add_result.py,
add_result.tmpl, index.py, index.tmpl, inc/keywords.tmpl,
lib/.cvsignore, lib/bkmark.py, lib/my_db.py: Add and browse
2003-09-23 10:26 fabien
* lib/: bkmark.py, config.py, my_db.py: Mise � jour des fonctions
d'acc�s � la DB.
2003-09-23 10:26 fabien
* .htaccess: Acc�s au r�pertoire prot�g�.
2003-09-23 08:59 fabien
* add.py, add.tmpl, index.py, index.tmpl, lib/.htaccess,
lib/bkmark.py, lib/create_db.sql, lib/my_db.py: Premi�re version.