author fabien
Tue, 27 Dec 2005 13:55:27 -0500 (2005-12-27)
changeset 0 eb87a3f29802
child 1 026da1945043
permissions -rw-r--r--
[svn r1850] r2001@freebird: fabien | 2005-12-27 01:28:42 -0500 Last cleanup.
to assert			 :: affirmer
back-cover			 :: quatri�me de couverture
combining documents		 :: combinaison de documents
copyleft			 :: copyleft                     
copyright			 :: copyright                    
cover text			 :: texte de couverture          
document			 :: document                     
endorsements			 :: approbations (endossements?) 
free documentation licence (FDL) :: licence de documentation libre (FDL)
free software foundation (FSF)	 :: free software foundation (FSF)
front-cover			 :: premi�re de couverture
general public licence (GPL)	 :: licence publique g�n�rale (GPL)
history				 :: historique                   
to imply			 :: insinuer
invariant section		 :: section invariante           
license notice			 :: note de licence              
modified version		 :: version modifi�e             
opaque copy			 :: copie opaque                 
publisher			 :: �diteur
secondary section		 :: section secondaire           
title page			 :: page titre                   
transparent copy		 :: copie transparente           
verbatim copy			 :: copie verbatim               
to release			 :: publier
terms				 :: conditions
combination			 :: combinaison
to combine			 :: combiner
license				 :: licence
addendum			 :: addendum
copyright notice		 :: note de copyright
acknowledgements		 :: remerciements
dedicacies			 :: d�dicaces
to list				 :: afficher ou �num�rer
combined work			 :: ouvrage combin�
collection			 :: recueil
in all other respects		 :: en tout point
aggregation			 :: agr�gation
independant work		 :: ouvrage ind�pendant
compilation			 :: compilation
volume of storage		 :: volume de rangement
distribution medium		 :: m�dium de distribution
compilation copyright		 :: copyright de compilation
aggregate			 :: aggr�gation
self-contained work		 :: ouvrage ind�pendant
copyright holder		 :: tenant du copyright
termination			 :: interruption
to sublicense			 :: c�der
offline				 :: hors-ligne
Internet			 :: Internet
world wide web			 :: world wide web
OpenContent (OC)		 :: OpenContent (OC)
to must cause			 :: devoir faire en sorte
Fair Use law			 :: loi sur l'Utilisation raisonnable
to mirror			 :: ?? (redistribuer)
severability			 :: ?? (liabilit�)
non-infringement		 :: ?? (non-transgression)
good-practice			 :: bon usage
by appending language		 :: en ajoutant du texte